"What is the meaning?" Eon looked me dead in the eyes.
"Well," I began, "the song says that the sun would still glow and the moon would still shine. You said that because both spirits are imprisoned the balance of light and dark still remains. The lyrics prove that to be true."
"That doesn't prove the light spirit is in the hammer head," Eon frowned.
I sighed and continued.
"I know, I know. I just wanted to make that clear. In the song, the lyrics tell me to take someone with me when we meet in a different world. I initially met the spirit in the hammer head when I was still in my world, but I did take it with me when I came to this world. Besides, the light spirit was cast off of Suvilla right where the child, me, was. The light spirit wants me to bring it home and restore order here."
I sounded crazy. Eon looked at me as if he was thinking the same thing.
"Lumine, you are just repeating what we already know."
I said no more. The two of us stood in silence for a bit, then Eon said, "Let's go."
"Where?" I questioned.
"I thought we were leaving at one o'clock."
"One of the cooks spilled all the salt. I figured since we were already planning to visit Maury we could pick some up."
Eon motioned me out of the room. We walked to the front door when Eon commented on my hair. I simply smiled and thanked him. Thank goodness I hadn't overdone my hair. I may have been scolded for placing myself higher than I was, or something else dumb Eon might have made up.
This time, the carriage was driven by a well dressed servant and only one of Eon's bodyguards. I hoped little security would be needed at Maury. Few people should have memories of what happened at my sale.
The horizon was open once the carriage traveled farther away from Diablo Manor. This was my first time outside the walls in a few days.
About fifteen minutes into the drive, I got kind of bored looking out the carriage window. The open horizon just began to look empty. Nothing looked familiar, so I was a bit nervous as well.
I fiddled with part of my dress for a moment. Why did Eon have so many of these? He didn't have a girlfriend. Unless I didn't know about them.
Oh, they could have been his mother's dresses. But why would he still have them? What even happened to his mother? Eon didn't mention her.
"Eon," I wondered, "Why do you have so many dresses at the manor? Were they your mother's?"
Hopefully, Eon would get upset. He hit his fist up against a wall when I asked what happened to his father.
Eon smiled and replied, "No, no. They would be too small. These belonged to my older cousin, Isabelle. She stayed with me for a summer about three years ago. I bought her a few dresses to wear, even though she had some of her own. When Isabelle left, she said the dresses must stay here for when she came back to visit again."
"When did Isabelle last visit?" I asked.
"Three years ago. Her and the family were busy. Isabelle had planned to visit later in the year for Christmas, but that didn't happen. This is why the visit from her, my other cousins, and my aunt and uncle is very special."
I couldn't help but feel a bit of pity for Eon. He must have felt lonely without any close family. Never have I seen him sitting down and socializing much with any of the servants.
"My mother died of sickness a year before my father was killed," Eon said a little quietly.
Wow, only a year.
"Were you curious?" Eon asked me.
"A bit." I replied.
We sat in silence the few remaining minutes. Eon did didn't seem very upset when he talked about his mother's death. Maybe he'd gotten over it. Eon could have had a stronger bond with his father, like a lot of boys would.
Looking ahead, I could read a large sign welcoming me to the town of Maury. It looked like one of those medieval towns with some modern touches.
People walked everywhere. The streets were nearly overflowing. A few women waved to Eon and gave him girly smiles. How did Eon not have a girlfriend? Who wouldn't want to be with someone rich and good looking?
Not me.
Eon smiled at the girls and waved back. A man in the crowd friend at one of the girls, turned her around, and walked away with her.
Heh. Maury seemed interesting already.
I turned and looked out my window. Some people gasped and pointed when they saw me. Maybe it was because of my eyes. Maybe it was because I was with Eon Diablo. A few men smiled and waved at me.
Eon seemed like some sort of celebrity. He was rich, so that probably gave him power. What did people see in me right now? I wasn't rich or anything. I didn't even have shoes. Not yet, at least.
Maybe Eon treats me as nice as he does because he feels like I am part of his family. Without me, Eon would be lonely like before.