Eon's sitting room was quite large. A fire place provided light and heat throughout the entire room. All the furniture looked old fashioned and antique, much like everything else in Diablo Manor.
I'd never seen this room before. When Eon let me explore the manor, I usually ended up staying in my room or going outside. Perhaps I should take advantage of the opportunity.
When I told Eon I knew my way around, I wasn't exactly telling the truth. The only reason I knew that was a bathroom was because it was where I cleaned up after first arriving at Diablo Manor.
There were two sofas and two armchairs. Ron's relatives sat on the sofas, which left the armchairs to Eon and I.
"Isabelle, how's your job? I've heard being a teacher isn't a walk in the park..."
Of course Isabelle was a teacher. A job like that took a lot of kindness and patience. What did Eon do? He managed a vineyard and a mine, but he didn't do much actual work every day like Isabelle.
My mind started to wander. Old memories had resurfaced lately. Old, terrible memories.
I was twelve again. It was easy to remember Auntie and Uncle's old cabin. All that felt like it was years ago. Auntie and a Uncle had a guest couple over. That was rare, considering they both preferred to live in the middle of the woods and disliked other people. I was always sent to buy their groceries and supplies.
Before the guests came, I was forced to clean the entire cabin, head to toe. It took a few hours, and the worst part was Auntie's screaming.
After the guests arrived, I was invited to sit with Auntie and Uncle, just like now. The conversation the four of them had was boring to me. I began to daydream while they talked.
After a couple of minutes, the guests asked me a question. I had no idea. Uncle yelled at me to get my attention.
When I asked the couple to repeat the question, Auntie freaked out and said I was being disrespectful to the guests. I couldn't even say sorry before Auntie slapped me straight across the face.
The couple was scared and left promptly. After that, Auntie locked me in my room for six days. It would have been a week if I hadn't just barely snuck out one night.
I snapped back to reality. It was happening again. If I messed up even once, Eon would be disappointed. He already threatened to not give me food if I don't show up for the dinner.
When I was locked in my room for those six days, I was hungry. No food, just a bottle of water. Auntie and Uncle woke up at the slightest move, so I sat in my room, fearful of what would happened if I tried to escape.
The Diablos were laughing. None of them had asked me a question. I started to worry that my mind would wander before anyone did ask me a question.
I caught Isabelle looking at me for just a second. Maybe she could tell something was wrong.
"Who do you get your eye color from?" Jennifer asked me.
I responded as quick as I could with, "I don't know."
"Your parents had normally colored eyes?" Jennifer tipped her head to the side.
"I never knew my parents. For years, I lived with my aunt and uncle. Their eyes were normal, and they would have told me if my eye color came from my parents." I explained.
"Did your aunt and uncle sell you?" Kenneth asked.
I swallowed nervously. "They didn't. I ran away."
"Was it worth it?" Kenneth looked me dead in the eyes.
My heart skipped a beat.
"Was is worth running away and ending up here? Or do you wish you were back home so you could make amends with your aunt and uncle?" Kenneth continued.
Was it worth it? This place wasn't much different from home. I was treated well most of the time, and threatened the rest.
"Kenneth, that's enough," Eon warmed gently.
The atmosphere felt different. Tighter.
"It was worth it Diablo Manor feels like home." I'd said the answer. I'd sat through the conversation. I wanted to be alone.
"It's nearly five," Jennifer was facing the clock.
"We should get going. When should we meet you tomorrow?" Kenneth looked away from me.
"One o'clock. I'll pay," Eon walked to the door, "Let me show you out."
Eon put an emphasis on the word "me", and I took that as a sign to stay back. That didn't bother me.
A minute after they left, I made my way back to my room. What did I care if Eon yelled at me?
I wrapped a fist around the necklace and pulled. That hurt my neck, so I stopped. I caught sight of the hammer head. Why didn't I just use that thing to escape and take care of anyone in my way?
John and Nicholas pointed a gun at me before I could do anything. My aim is terrible, anyways. But the hammer is still a weapon... so why not use it?
I still felt nauseous. A splash of water on my face helped, along with a good drink.
Footsteps. Eon found me quickly. I quickly turned around and looked out the window.
He didn't knock before coming in. Not that I cared.
I said nothing.
"Lumine, turn around.
"Turn around."
Eon had a small hint of anger in his voice. He walk up to me and grabbed my shoulder. I was face to face with Eon and his cold, brown eyes.
"Do you really think of this as home? Or are you lying?"
"I'm not a liar. You heard me. This place is just like home. Just like it."
"Then why are you acting's like that's a bad thing."
"It is."
Why did Kenneth question me? Could he tell I was hiding the truth?