1.deciding powers

Here lies the story of a normal bastard who got to be reincarnated:

On a regular morning our mc(Red) ,who is a normal high school student(none of that sappy or op shit), was looking through his phone in hopes of ever getting a message from anyone. But sadly the only message he ever got was a cyoa(create your own adventure) basic stats/power generator.

"Ah mother****** might as well try out this cyoa. Lets see it allows me to start with 30 points aye, not bad. So first i have to pick a race eh, I'll just go with human race. Now its time for me to pick my power."

" So my first power is a choice between high speed regenerations{heals 20% of health each second at lvl 1}(3 points) or the ability to summon a bear{summons a bear with half the stats of summoner to do the summoners bidding}(3 points)??? what in the name of f**kery is this why in the name of hell would i want to summon a bear." with that our MC went ahead with high speed regeneration.

"bloody hell this cyoa starts off with sucking your points dry. Well fuck it, I'm doing this for fun. lets see whats my second power gonna be. Hmmm the choices i have to choose between are two different forms called Khaos form which deals any amount of damage to me while proportionally increasing my basic stats(5 points) and Altair form which allows me to summon armors like bloody iron man to help me in battle(5 points). what the heck is this copied from somewhere."

"Might as well make the most out of it. I might as well choose Khaos form since high speed regen is broken. But on that thought why is high speed regen so cheap..."

" anyways my third options seems to be a choice between being able to do contracts with people with more benefits when the contract is not forced onto them(4points) or super strength(5points). i'm just gonna get the contract since it has more potential for growth."

"ah finally my last few options on power well might as well go ham"[A/N: basically i got too lazy to explain everything but I'm basically doing a cyoa which is my preference for instant power and a bit on the long term side]

Random narrator: Our mc used his minuscule brain which was only good at maths to pick the abilities to converse and write in all/any language he encounters(3points), the ability to add on/remove cosmetics to change how he looks(2 points) since it was way cheaper than an actual transformation ability,instant comprehension(6 points),an ability to break his limits everytime he reaches his limits(7 points) sucking him dry of points like getting sucked off by a girl which our MC has definitely never felt.

"Ah f**k i want to get more abilities,should i just get a drawback?" ponders our mc without realising a ominous looking truck with its lights on stares at him from his window.

"Might as well" says our mc as he picks loved by death{basically he has a higher chance of meeting any entity that's based around the divinity of death and has to impress that person to let him live} for a whopping 7 points.

the same damn narrator:After getting these 7 points our MC gets an ability called status check{self explanotory} for 2 points and spends the last 5 point on deciding a name and how he wants to look.

" Welp i might as well name myself asher jade and i want to look like estarossa from seven deadly sins anime but dark skin and with a damn beard"

Narrator back at it again: As our Mc presses enter truck-kun enter the fray and kills Mc.

"what the f**k"