Holy hell am I an unlucky bastard, how in the name of all things that is unholy in reincarnation, I get beat down as soon as I am yeeted into the world. I haven't even had time to think of a game plan to get enough power to kill Thanos. But I swear I should be dead by now, my bones fee-MOTHERF****R, MY BONES JUST POPPED BACK. come on a deep breath asher, a businessman should not show his pain easily, just keep smiling. Wait I just realised, where is my mana stat? I have a basic magic ability even though I don't know how to use it yet, I should have a mana stat correct? Maybe it's like those anime where I have to feel the mana to activate it. Should I try it out, I wonder what would happen.
Meanwhile the situation outside,
Ancient one(AO): "I am surprised he knows about your son and grandson."
Gaea: "my grandson is known by all of humanity yet not my son. AO can you please check what his future is using the ti-"
AO: "His fate is blocked for an unknown reason, this entity that's blocking me from seeing his future and past seems to be heavily linked to death-related divinity."
wait f**k, why is lady death protecting my past and future. Wait can she even do that to a time stone? Unless it's the god that dropkicked me... I'd better push stop thinking about magic for now.
"I can assure you in my previous life I was no saint nor was I a villain, I just have very high karma." I let my smile grow wider despite that being fake.
AO: " can't you just kill him?"
f**k she has a point, but why is Gaea sweating? I start laughing boisterously.
"do you think she is allowed to ?"
Gaea: "tsk, Ancient one I don't think you know this but the last time someone killed a reincarnator is before Arthur the king of Camelot's time and it ended disastrously as the whole city got razed to the ground. The reincarnator's name was Liz during her 106th reincarnation and for each death before massive destruction occurred. Now imagine a deity killing a reincarnator whose fate is shrouded by the divinity of death. what do you think would happen to m-"
AO: "I see 3 future for you when you kill him and all are bad. One future you just get tortured by a being that is beyond even Dormammu's power, the other two is your divinity being useless the humanity which your proud of does... unspeakable things."[A/N: wait if the time stone can look into any future, doesn't that mean doc strange has his own p***hub?]
Is my drawback really that godly?[A/N: yes you fool]
"now now let's not get trigger happy. If you cannot beat me then join me (pulls out two contracts), Gaea I would love to contract with you for my freedom and some powers or blessings worthy of my information and ancient one I will contract with you to let me learn magic a few days from now from you and for me to never hurt this world's good inhabitants outrightly. it is now up for you to decide" I say while changing stump to become a chair.
Now I'm just gonna try my best not to sleep on the spot cause I feel like shit, I'm pretty sure most other reincarnate's don't have this big of a problem when they came into any world... is that why the wheel gave me longevity ahahah.status check
title: loved by death
agility(speed and dex):10
constitution(endurance and defence):40
skills:[A/N: no levels mean maxed out]
high-speed regeneration lvl 3(passive)-regen 40% of health per second
all tongue(passive)
cosmetic changer(passive)
instant comprehension(passive)
limit breaker(passive)
pain resistance lvl 0{new}-helps resist pain
Khaos form lvl 1
contractor lvl 1
basic magic lvl 1(active)
Huh so my intelligence, wisdom and constitution went up while my regen improved. This means that getting injured heavily helps a lot huh. I should really try to unlock my mana after this fiasco.
Gaea: "I accept the contract, now tell me what you know." while she was saying that the contract started glowing brightly and I could feel our soul getting connected? So that means the contract is supported by one above all, I do need to meet him to have a talk, and our souls are affected by this eh.
" well that was fast but when your son is kicked out of Asgard for his arrogance in war Odin shall be slowly dying, his Odin force shall disappear slowly awakening his first daughter from the slumber that been placed on her that may kill your son you love that you supported discreetly"
The info is based on some truths and some lies. My soul has not been hurt from this so that means I can lie huh... Anyways her face tells me that she was not expecting that at all. I smiled and say
" if you give me some good powers and support i maybe could help him to not die you know." Tsk this sentence makes me feel like an ass but primordial goddesses can't intervene in anything lest they want to face the wrath of whatever rules they set up. I make my eyes glow red, I add wings that is darker than the abyss I have been in itself, I make my horns extend to appear as a noble devil and I add a halo of pure chaste whiteness too make myself seem holier than any god she has ever fancied or ever will for that matter and say "don't you think the information is worthy of amazing powers" I pause as I walk towards her and take her hand and continue "dear your son is in danger in the future and I might be the only one who can keep him alive"
"Thus finish the deal with this devil and give me the powers that are worthy of the information, It will definitely be worthwhile," I say this while activating all tongue. i speak in so many different languages making it seem like the universe is agreeing with me and for Gaea to finish her end of the bargain.
AO: "I accept the contract as well"
Tsk the ancient one really put a damper there interrupting me from pushing her, But I am honestly grateful for her stopping me from being a complete ass.