11.space on earth

Aight its been a proper 12 years. I TOOK 12 YEARS TO FULLY UNDERSTAND RUNES and some martial arts of course. I had to talk nearly every day with everyone about magic and martial arts while battling it out once in a while even though i focused highly on agility and constitution, i gossiped with the other disciples about whether baron Mordo had a crush on the ancient one and getting chased by him even though the people there were quiet and all m,ost of the times when studying

by god was it fun.It made me miss my days back in my previous world and I won't lie I did shed a few tears here and there and the ancient one was beyond me.

She acted like a mother or an older sister while taking care of me from time to time while making sure each lesson broke my mind and i am pretty sure i was hella open-minded. But she helped focus and supported me which I must say makes me feel bad i am leaving so soon,i made it my most important thought currently should be saving her. Anyways let's check my stats.

class: magician(boosts mana by a third of wisdom)

race:high human

title: loved by death


mana:30000/30000(10000mana per minute)



intelligence: 940



blessing{new}:Foundation of nature

skills:[A/N: no levels mean maxed out]

high-speed regeneration lvl 9(passive)

all tongue(passive)

cosmetic changer(passive)

instant comprehension(passive)

limit breaker(passive)

pseudo immortality(passive)

mixed martial arts lvl 9(passive)

Khaos form(active/passive)

contractor lvl 2(active/passive)

basic magic lvl 1(active)

conceptualisation magic(active)

time and space magic LVL 5(active)

· time stop/brake/accelerate

· teleport

· come thru-(follow someone to wherever they decide to go)

· inventory

undetectable and unseeable(active)

Super Heal(active)

nature magic lvl 7(active)

· shell of nature

Runic magic lvl 9(active)-use of runes

holy shit my stats upgraded like 𝐮𝐩𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝. But I'm still stupid huh. RIP to me. But this is not the reason i am excited. IT'S BECAUSE I'M GETTING A WEAPON.

Ancient one(AO): "are you ready for a weapon to pick you?"

"yes." This reply cannot show how excited i am like literally i feel like jumping around in joy and kissing all the master ,no homo, But i would legitimately love gloves or gauntlet. This is cause swords are bloody overrated and i work best with these hands you know.

We enter the room of relics and bloody hell all these weapons are op.I looked at a random spear and its stats were

it works like a javelin but follows whoever is targeted and allows the user to teleport to the spear.releases a spacial barrier not allowing teleporting skills for the other side.stats boost: strength +9000, agility+20000

by god is those stat boost beyond me and heck if captain america got his spear he could prolly trash me... What the heck is in that corner, its making me want to take it and immediately hold it. NANI ITS PULLING MY SUB-CONSCIOUS TO IT...like it was jealous i was looking at something else. I look at it and what do you know, ITS GLOVES! This calls for a party.[A/N: imagine him doing the joker dance]

AO: "did you find your weapon?"

"HELL YEA AND ITS ARMORED GLOVES." i should probably check its stats.

< Járngreipr (Old Norse "iron grippers") >[A/N: anyone see what I did] Gives the user a strong grip and allows the user to never let go. Allows user to lift 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 as long as user believes it whole-heartedly with no doubts. Allows user to cause spatial tears and rusting on anything if user focuses hard enough. Able to handle any power. strength+40000 when worn.magic conduit:+500 damage when magic is used through the gloves.

Am i dreaming? THIS IS AMAZING. If i can carry anything... doesn't that include the universe. But by the abilities of the Norns does this armoured glove looks amazing it's black with sharp finger-like armour. It even feel comfy while having a pointy thing at its back digging into my skin but with care? While the armor is black the glove part itself looks purple.[A/N: it looks like https://www.pinterest.com/pin/351421577169583958/ but black and purple]

"This glove is amazing it is strong and makes me feel like i can hold the world. well it literally can."she smiled again and i felt even more worse for leaving her.

AO: "alright then asher i shall see you off."

"do I have to go?" I whispered but she heard it.

AO: "yes you do, you need to save thor and whatnot but remember your always welcome here...Now come on let's get a move on you little chipmunk."

she used to call me that when i was here but now it just makes me not want to leave. {the hardest choices require the strongest wills}:Thanos. I remember this quote right now even though he used it differently i still found it appropriate. I was teary faced as i left and made my way towards the new york sanctum. I took a days rest to sleep in and it felt good. I woke up refreshed and it was may. captain marvel was said to be set in mid 1995. Thus i diligently made it my job to wait around the area near the blockbuster area while investing in stark industries and apple to rake in cash till i have enough money to do anything really. But luckily i started with 11800 after all my spending a long time ago.

well i was left with 10000 after buying my wardrobe which was a single overcoat worn by the Koreans , multiple hoodies,shirts and jeans and undergarments for a long time. Even with my abilities i do want to spend money. I was wearing a hoodie the overcoat and some simple jeans every time i went out at night to look for her... Oh look there is captain marvel landing and then shooting a tuxedoed Arnold Schwarzenegger.