Word from the Author:
This fanfiction work was inspired by the horror indie game series known as "Five Nights at Freddy's". This particular fanfiction takes a lot of inspiration from Five Night's At Freddy's: Sister Location and some aspects of the FNAF book: The Fourth Closet. I do not own any of the FNAF characters canon to the game series, but I am not sure if I own any of the original characters I made up to help the story continue (Example: Mr. Cunningham). Anyways, I don't own the rights to Five Nights at Freddy's. All rights reserved for the owners.
This story is meant to be a prequel to what I hope will be a FNAF fanfiction book series, this being the first one. SIDE NOTE: The events in this story will deviate from the FNAF game canon, in case anyone says anything. Also, this story will be mixing aspects of the game's and the book's canon, along with some other plot points I decided to add in for the sake of creative freedom.
I also had to borrow a lot of the dialogue lines from the original Sister Location game. I'm listing this here just so everyone knows this.
If you want, you can also check this work out of MediaMiner. Visit MediaMiner.com to find it. However, it's the first draft version, so I decided to edit it out and make it better for this version.
Well, this isn't exactly the job I was expecting, William thought. When he signed up for being a top technician at Circus Baby World, he never knew he would have to be going underground to do his job. It was a few weeks ago that William proved himself to be quite the expert in his field. He already got his bachelor's degree in robotics, and at that time he was expecting to make much more of his life. Never, had he thought, would he be taking a job at what was practically a little kids attraction, and even worse, one that was close to shutting down.
There was the death of a child that took place here a few months earlier, or at least an alleged death, since the police couldn't find the body. There were also reports of a few child abductions occuring at Circus Baby World, but no evidence could be found. William wasn't there to witness any of these events himself in person, but it is what his new employer, Harold Cunningham, informed him about. I still don't understand how that child died so mysteriously, he thought.
Honestly, William was searching for the closest job in his profession that could get him a decent salary to pay off his bills for his apartment. The past few months in particular were very rough: trying to sort out his new life, returning his car payments, and other issues. He remembered looking through the papers and found a new job opening at Circus Baby World, in Rochester, Minnesota. Luckily, it wasn't a very far drive, so he decided to take the job since there weren't many other well-paying jobs available in town at the moment.
As the elevator proceeded to descend, he could hear a voice say to him, "Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career! Whether you were approached at a job fair, read our ad in Screws, bolts, and hairpins, or if this is the result of a dare, we welcome you." William saw that this voice was coming from his module in his left pocket. This module wasn't like any ordinary module: it was much larger, yellow, seemed to have some sort of computer mini-screen attached to it, and two plastic eyes popping out in the back. He could also see a little piece of tape on the top right corner with his name on it. The module continued, "I will be your personal guide to help you get started. I'm a model 5 of the Handyman's Robotics and Unit Repair System. But, you can call me "Handy-Unit"." William chuckled at the funny nickname of the module. "Your new career promises challenge, intrigue, and endless janitorial opportunities. Please enter your name as seen above the keypad. This cannot be changed later, so, please be careful."
Better type in my name, I guess, said William to himself. As he tried to type in his name, though, the Hand Unit appeared to be glitching out, and it seemed impossible to press any of the buttons showing up on the screen, as it was constantly moving around. Eventually, William tried to type in his name, but after the first three letters, he made several typos in his typing. "It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad," said the Hand-Unit, "I see what you were trying to type, and I will autocorrect it for you. One moment. Welcome Eggs Benedict!"
As soon as the Hand-Unit was done, William just gave the Hand-Unit a dirty look and pulled it away. Stupid autocorrect! How do you even get Eggs Benedict from William Afton? He waited around in the elevator until it came to a complete stop, halting at what was hopefully the bottom floor. He decided to lookaround just to be sure, when the Hand-Unit said to him, "You can now open the elevator using that bright, red, and obvious button. Let's get to work!" On the right side of the elevator was the very red button the Hand-Unit was referring to. "Well, at least I can finally get to my actual job now," said William to himself.
He proceeded to hit the red button, opening the doors to the elevator to reveal a small room, where William checked to see what he would have to do next. He eventually found a small-crawl space. "They seriously want me to crawl through this, just for me to get to work?", William said angrily to himself. He didn't understand why he had to crawl through a vent just to get to his job, when he would much rather walk to his station instead. But he chose to go along with this and decided to go through the crawl-space, going through until he would hopefully arrive at his workplace.