The sensory alarm came off again once William entered inside. "Motion trigger: Breaker Room." He brought up the Hand-Unit from his back pocket again to see what needed to be done. He still hasn't forgiven the Hand-Unit for nearly getting him killed. Seriously, where is the off switch on this thing, he wondered.
"You may now interface with the breaker control box. Keep in mind that using the interface may disrupt nearby electronics. If you feel that you are in danger, feel free to disconnect the interface temporarily, until it is safe to reconnect."
Alright, seems simple enough. Find the interface, reboot the power to the facility, crawl back through Ballora's Gallery, and get the hell out of here. I better be getting a raise for putting up with this, he thought. He looked around the breaker room. There wasn't much that could be seen, since there didn't appear to be much lighting in the room. He decided to use his flashlight to get a better look at his surroundings, but everything inside the breaker room seemed very odd. Several metallic and plastic expendable tubes were scattered across, many hanging from the ceiling, covering many different parts of the steel walls. He could also briefly see a large system of connected pipes along the walls. Who needs this many pipes and tubes, anyway? It doesn't make any sense.
There was also something that looked similar to the touchpads in the control modules, except this one had no visible touch screens, and had five, glowing red buttons, all in a horizontal line. Is this the interface? He checked the control pad to find that there was a little handle right below behind the red buttons. When he pulled it, the cover came off, and a screen instantly showed up. It showed the power levels for all of the rooms in the facility, along with an outline of all the rooms, too. He looked each room's power level, and all of them showed the same option: restart.
Looks like none of the systems are online. So how do I do this, exactly? Is there, like, a touchscreen to this? He tried seeing if this did feature a touchscreen, so he pressed the reboot button for the entrance room. Immediately, the screen showed the power level percentage of the entrance way. Guess that answers my question, then. It was going good so far, fifteen percent, thirty-four percent, forty-seven percent...
"I see you there in the dark!"
William immediately disconnected from the interface, completely in shock. He tried looking for whoever it was that was speaking to him. The voice appeared to be male, but it sounded much higher pitched than usual. It was so annoying that it felt like listening to nails on a chalkboard. He searched the breaker room for anything, but it was only when a few random sparks began to form that he briefly what was talking to him. It was another animatronic. This one seemed similar to the Funtime Foxy animatronic, but this one had the design of a bear.
Its head looked something like an odd metal teddy bear. The bottom and the top half of the face had some minor gap in between, as its aligned square teeth could be seen in between. There were two large, circular ears sticking out of its head, with a small black nose and a black top hat, surprisingly. Its metal plating seemed to have a white and light-purple color scheme, with a black bowtie under its chin, a small metal speaker in the chest, and two black buttons near its stomach. He was also surprisingly tall, as he seemed to be around six feet tall, and just a few inches shorter than William, actually. This bear also seemed to be holding a microphone in his right hand, and on his left, there was something else attached to it. He couldn't get a good look because the sparks faded away, but he made sure that the bear wasn't getting any ideas. Then, another voice, much different than the bear's voice, spoke up.
"There's no one here! Go back to sleep!"
The second voice sounded high-pitched, too, but it sounded much more like a girl. There are two animatronics in here? Then where is the second one? What was even more confusing for him was that this second animatronic seemed to be trying to help him. I'll take all the help I can get at this point, he thought, even if it's from a robot.
He returned to the interface once he was sure that the bear and whatever other robot that was in here weren't near him. He pulled the cover off of the module again and continued to reboot the remaining systems. Right back to the entrance way I guess. It was still at forty-seven percent, so the reboot must've paused when he disconnected. He pressed the touchscreen again, and the power percentage started increasing again. Forty-seven, sixty-five, seventy-nine, come on, just a little more. As soon as the percentage reached one hundred, the entrance way on the outline of the building showed that it was fully online. Alright, one down, seven more to go. He decided to reboot the Funtime Auditorium next. Ten percent, twenty-one, thirty-three...
"I know you're over here somewhere!"
He immediately disconnected once he heard the bear speaking again. Where the hell is he now? The bear was just in the corner a minute ago. A few more sparks formed and fell, and he could see the bear standing much closer to him than before, now standing roughly ten feet from him. Luckily, William was hiding behind the large expandable tubes, so he hoped that the bear wouldn't notice him. Some more sparks formed, and he saw that the bear seemed to be looking around for him.
"Calm down, Freddy. I think it was just a mouse!"
So, the bear's name is Freddy. Now he could see where the second animatronic voice was coming from: it was some sort of hand-puppet attached to the bear's hand. This didn't look like any hand-puppet William had ever seen before, though. This one looked more like a tiny, metal bunny. Its plating color was dark blue, with rosy dots at the end of it's lips, like Circus Baby, and was wearing a red bowtie. Its jaws were similar to that of Freddy's. It was kind of cute, actually. Considering the hand-puppet was helping him survive down here, William appreciated the little bunny. He waited until Freddy went back to his original position before returning to the interface. He could hear some mechanical gears in motion, which he assumed was Freddy walking away from him. Just to be sure, he pulled out his flashlight to see if Freddy was still there, and found that he moved back to the corner.
I'll to be stuck down here forever if I keep going at this rate, he thought. What if I try rebooting many systems at once? Would that work? He tried to see if his theory would work, but it didn't look like it was working. I'll have to do them one at a time, then.
This process went on for quite some time. William would casually try connecting to the interface and reboot power to the rest of the facility while fending off against Freddy when he felt that he was getting closer, and waited for the hand-puppet fo calm Freddy down. It took a very long time to reboot the power to the facility, but William was very patient, so he took his time with it. At last, after what seemed like an hour, all power had been restored to the facility. All except for one, however: the elevators. This is my key out of here, he thought. He needed to make sure that the elevators were powered, otherwise he would be stuck down here with no way out. He slowly reached for the interface again, and began to reconnect power to the elevators. Five percent, seventeen, twenty-six, just a little bit more...
"Hey, Bon Bon, let's go say hello to our new little friend!"
"I didn't hear anything over there, silly!"
"Why won't you believe me, Bon Bon? I swear I heard something!"
"It's probably nothing, Freddy. Just go back to sleep already."
"But what if it really is something this time? Can't I just check it out?"
I don't like where this is going, thought William. Looks like the Bon-Bon puppet isn't enough to keep Freddy at bay. He could hear Freddy continuing to argue with Bon-Bon and Freddy, and took this opportunity to finally finish restoring power to the elevators. Seventy-seven, eighty-five, just a little bit more. The interface now showed that power had been restored to the rest of the facility. Yes! Finally! Now I just have to sneak past Freddy and Ballora, and I'm home free! But I definitely need to have a chat with my boss. I don't know why nobody here told me anything about this before-. Just then, the Hand-Unit spoke again, interrupting his train of thought.
"Great job. This completes your tasks for the night. Please proceed back through the Ballora gallery with care, and we'll see you back here tomorrow."
Not this again! Where is the off-switch for this thing, anyway? He could hear Freddy and Bon-Bon immediately stopped arguing once they heard the Hand-Unit's voice. I gotta hide, where do I go? There weren't many places to hide in the breaker room, so he had to make due with hiding behind one of the large clumps of expendable pipes, hanging from the ceiling. Please don't let me be seen. Please don't notice me. He could hear Freddy crying out, "I know you're hiding somewhere in the shadows! Come on out!"