The Incident

January 19, 1976 - Circus Baby World: Funtime Auditorium - Around 5:00 PM


Yes! I'll finally meet her in person, thought Elizabeth, overwhelmed with joy. She approached the Funtime stage where Circus Baby was still singing that song Elizabeth wasn't familiar with but enjoyed anyways, trying to savor every bit of this wonderful moment. The other children loved it too, and got to go near the stage. Her friends didn't seem to take too much interest, so they decided they wanted to leave. Abigail wanted to get going to see Funtime Freddy instead.

"Hey, Elizabeth, we kind of want to get going to see Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon now. If you don't want to come along and spend time with Baby, that's fine, too."

"Don't worry, Abi, I'm fine if you go see Freddy. Besides, I always wanted to meet Circus Baby in person, and I hope I'll actually get to talk to her! Have fun!"

Abi and the rest of her friends exited the Funtime Auditorium through the doorway to Ballora's Gallery. There were only a few children left in the room now. It seemed that Baby releasing a few more red balloons from her fingertips now, and that the other children were now getting kind of bored.

Come on, this is your chance! Ask her to scoop some ice cream for us! You know what she can do, now's your chance to see it in action! Elizabeth's head was going through so much joy that she just couldn't think straight, and finally decided to try talking to Baby. She carried her Circus Baby plushie with her for good luck.

Eventually, the remaining children decided to leave, one at a time, until there was only Elizabeth and Baby in the Funtime Auditorium. Yes! Finally, just the two of us together! I can't imagine how much fun this is going to be. She walked up onto the stage where Baby was standing, and got her attention.

"Hello there! You have no idea how happy I am right now! I have been waiting forever to get to see you! Daddy isn't watching us now, so I think we're good. But please don't tell my Daddy that I'm here. I don't know why he won't let me come see you, you're wonderful!

Baby looked like she was now paying attention to her, and as soon as Elizabeth spoke, Circus Baby immediately stopped singing. In fact, she turned her head towards Elizabeth and stood still, her bright blue eyes focused completely on her. Then she started talking back to her.

"Would you like to have some ice cream?"

Elizabeth didn't even have to think about this one before answering.

"Yes!! I would love to have some ice cream, please! Make it strawberry, that's my favorite!"

She was jumping up and down, filled with excitement. Then, Circus Baby's stomach opened up to reveal a mini scoop-like handle coming out of her, as she walked away from Elizabeth to one of the tables in the room, on which was a pint full of, conveniently, some strawberry ice cream. Elizabeth got to see Circus Baby open the pint by herself, scoop some ice cream out of the pint and place it into a small pink bowl, holding it in her hand.

She actually does scoop ice cream! She's practically everything I wanted and more! Suddenly, she noticed that Baby was now walking towards her, holding out the bowl in her hand.

"Here you go. Come and get it!"

This is incredible! I'm finally getting to see her in action! Why would Daddy think she's dangerous? She looks lovely to me. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her to me. In my eyes, she's just amazing! She didn't really care about what her father thought because she completely forgot about him at this point. She was too overwhelmed to even bother thinking about him.

She walked closer and closer towards Circus Baby, eager to have the ice cream she made for her. Okay, so what next after this? Should I ask her to sing another song? Maybe one that I know? What about Superstition? I'm sure that would be fine.

"Sure! Thank you!"

As she walked closer to Baby, though, she noticed that something was off with Circus Baby. She seemed to be walking much faster. Then her blue, ocean-like eyes rolled over to pitch black in a manner of seconds, and she dropped the bowl of ice cream she made for Elizabeth. There was clearly something wrong with her. She wasn't acting nearly as wonderful as before. Now she was just standing still, staring down at Elizabeth with those pitch black eyes. It felt like those eyes were staring right into her soul.

Then, like a flash of lightning, Baby grabbed Elizabeth by the arms, holding her firm. She was much stronger than she thought, and began freaking out. She dropped her Circus Baby plushie she'd been holding.

"Wait, what are you doing, Baby?!"

She started acting much more hostile now. Baby was not letting her go, no matter how much she begged for her to stop. Then, her stomach cavity opened up again, but this time, instead of pulling out the ice-cream scooper, there was instead a giant, metal claw coming out of her endoskeleton.

This claw looked very sharp, like one of those claws you would find in a skill crane machine. Only this one looked much sturdier, and had a much larger grabbing range. Elizabeth was now freaking out more than ever. She didn't understand what this claw was for, or why Baby was doing this to her.

"Please, Baby, please don't do this-"

As soon as Elizabeth tried to reason with Baby, the metal claw inside of Circus Baby extended out and grabbed her by the chest tightly. The claw wouldn't let her go, no matter how much she tried moving. Then the metal claw went back inside of Baby's body, dragging Elizabeth inside along with it. These moments were filled with more terror than imaginable, being dragged inside of Baby's body. She screamed for her father to come save her as the cramped space around her started getting very hard to breathe, hoping for someone to come and save her.