Welcome to Fredbear's

Cannon Falls, Fredbear's Family Diner - July 15, 1983 - 7:31 P.M.


"Henry, I'm not really sure about this."

"I've already told you a million times before, Will, the springlock suits have been firmly tightened, so don't worry about them snapping."

"I know that, but...there's just still something that bothers me about it."

William was currently in the parts and service room in Fredbear's Family Diner with his boss, and his good friend, Henry. The room was kind of dark, and there were several different animatronic parts scattered on the shelves inside. Endoskeletons, springlock suit parts, and other items were among the things in the room. Today, Henry asked William if he would put on a Spring Bonnie suit, for some kind of surprise. The thing that was weirder was that Henry was putting on the Fredbear suit, too. He's probably planning something for his kids. They love this place.

The reason William was nervous was because whenever he put on the Spring Bonnie suit, sometimes he would get flashbacks to the time when Dave kidnapped and stuffed him inside of a springlock suit. The fear he had during that time stayed with him to this day. He still had the scar from when Lolbit scratched his face. But that was seven years ago. I've mostly moved on from then.

The Fredbear and Spring Bonnie suits both had a distinctive gold-like yellow color. Their torsos and heads were large, round and barrel-shaped, and the arms and legs were similar, too. Spring Bonnie had the design of a rabbit, with two long bunny ears poking out at the top of his head, that weren't too pointy. He had two rows of square teeth in his wide mouth, and wore a purple bowtie. Fredbear, as his name suggests, had the design of a bear, with two small round ears, and a larger head than Spring Bonnie. His jaw size was also larger than that of Spring Bonnie's, and so were his teeth, too. He also had a very small, squarish black nose, and was wearing a purple top hat and a bowtie.

As William was ready getting his head-piece on, he could see that there were two small eyeholes that provided barely enough room for him to see. These were springlock suits, after all. Both a human and an animatronic endoskeleton could wear this kind of suit. The suits they were wearing were mostly made of metal and plastic, along with a very thin layer of fabric on the outside. At first, the suits used to be covered in fur, but it turned out that it was very hard to clean, especially if a kid got any pizza or other food on it, so they eventually settled for fabric because it was easier to clean. Henry spoke up again.

"These suits were updated immediately after that '74 accident, so they're much safer than the ones at Circus Baby's. You'll be fine, and so will I."

The only part of Henry that was visible to William were his eyes, since the suit covered up the rest of his body.

"Say, Henry, what do I have to put this on for?"

"I'm doing this as a surprise for my kids. The place is closed early, so I let Charlie invite one of her friends to come here. They're waiting near the stage. You know how much Charlie loves this place, right, Will? I'm sure they would love it if you were to come, too."

Ah, Charlie. I know how much she's obsessed with this place. Charlotte was Henry's daughter, though mostly everyone just called her Charlie. She was around six years old. She had shoulder length hair, with the same dark brown hair color as her father did, a cute round face, brown eyes, and she was absolutely adorable. She also had a twin brother, Sammy, who also had a few similar features such as hair color, but William didn't see him around the place nearly as much as Charlie. He replied.

"I'd be happy to help you, Henry. Besides, you're my friend. All you had to do was ask."

"Thanks, Will. Now, before we go out there and give them the surprise, just try to dance or do something funny to make them laugh."

"Well, I'll try my best."

To be honest, William was much more of a technician than a performer. During the past few years, his experience in repairing and building animatronics had increased ten fold. He became so good at his job that he was eventually promoted to head technician of the restaurant. Now he got to wear a purple security uniform with a long, black tie, along with a little, golden name-tag near his chest that read out, "William Afton: Head Technician." Things were going much better for him now than before. So many things had changed in his life since then.

Henry was about to open the exit door as William was making sure that his suit was properly put on. He shortly followed him out the door and into the stage area. The stage was relatively large, with smooth wooden planks covering its floor, with small, red curtains on each side of the stage. In the middle was a microphone stand, often used to place Fredbear's mike that he used during stage performances. But it could be used by a human, too. He looked out at the rest of the diner, the walls looking fresh and colorfully designed, the floor tiles colored like a checkerboard, with several large decorated tables and chairs near the stage. The main stage was the place where the Fredbear and Spring Bonnie animatronics would perform during the day, singing and doing all sorts of things for the children's amusement.

There were many other things to entertain the children at Fredbear's other than the two animatronics. For example, there was a huge ball pit that the kids could play around in, several different arcade machines, and all kinds of delicious treats to keep them entertained.

Near the very front of the stage, there were two girls and one boy sitting at a table near the front, and quickly noticed Henry and William walking towards them. William easily recognized Charlie and Sammy, who immediately got up, running with excitement and joy towards Henry, and some other girl he didn't recognize. She was much more intense than the other two, and started horsing around with Henry, too. Henry tried talking to the children in his best Fredbear imitation.

"Hey there, kids! You want to have some fun today?"

It was a good imitation, but it certainly wasn't perfect, either. Sammy and Charlie could instantly tell it was their father because of his voice, and gave him a big hug. It was really adorable to see. After Henry started making a few cheesy jokes that the children laughed at anyway, Charlie noticed William and walked up to him.

"Uh, Mr. Bonnie? How are you doing today?"

William tried his best to imitate Spring Bonnie's voice, but he immediately noticed that it was terrible.

"Been having a great day, kiddo! Thanks for asking!"

Charlie could clearly tell it was bad, but she laughed at him anyway. She always seemed to be so sweet and happy around everyone. Henry walked over to William, with Sammy and the other girl following him.

"Well, I guess they liked it so far, Will. I told you they would love it if you came."

"Thanks, Henry. Say, not to be rude or anything, but, uh, who's that other girl here? The one who is friends with Charlie?"

"Oh, that's Marla. I let her be invited along here tonight."

Just then, a woman appeared walking towards them. William instantly recognized her. She was Laurel, Henry's wife. She had very long, brown hair, similar to Charlie's, and deep blue eyes. The children went back to their table and sat down right before Laurel started talking to Henry.

"Hi, honey. How was your day?"

"Well, you know, it was decent. I mean, not counting the extra hours of work I've been doing over the past few months."

William spoke up.

"Yeah, we've been working around the clock to get our new restaurant into top shape. You know, Fredbear's Mega Pizzeria."

"She already knows, Will..." Henry said, "...I told Charlie and Sammy all about it, and ever since, they can't stop talking about it. They're excited for the new place."

"Same here. My kids are dying to go, too. But it's going to be quite a while until it's finished."

They were talking about the brand new location Fazbear Entertainment was planning on opening. Ever since Fredbear's Family Diner proved to be a moderate success for the company, Fazbear Entertainment decided to focus on building a much larger location. It was supposed to be around twice the size of Fredbear's, and it would feature all sorts of animatronic characters.

The new place was supposed to include both the Fredbear and Spring Bonnie animatronics, as well as Freddy Fazbear, Chica the Chicken, Foxy the Pirate, and the regular Bonnie version. Those branded characters would be used at certain "Fredbear and Friend's" locations, which was similar to Fredbear's Family Diner, but it was more popular.

The building was already in construction for a long time, but it would hopefully be finished soon. If all went well, Henry and William would be put in charge of managing Fredbear's Mega Pizzeria, but for now, it wasn't certain. For the past few months, they've been making sure to order enough supplies and other materials to decorate it, and it was exhausting.

Laurel then spoke to William.

"Will, are you doing okay? It sounds like you're kind of tired."

"No, it's not that, Laurel. You see, I got a call from Clara around an hour ago. Apparently, Michael was horsing around and accidentally broke a lamp at my house, so now she's made him stay in his room until morning. I don't how many times I've told him to stop doing that."

William was being very serious. His oldest son Michael was known to be somewhat hyper, like an ADHD type. Alex, his younger son, was kind of similar, but he wasn't as hyper as Michael. William warned him several times to stop doing that around the house, and it really annoyed him. I tried to tell him, but he didn't listen. Henry budged in.

"That sounds like something Michael would do. Believe me, a few weeks back, he and Charlie tried to take my hat and they hid it from me for fun. It took me two days to find it again. I'm telling you, those two are inseparable."

"At least they're friends, you know, Henry. Anyways, there's going to be a lot more stuff I have to do this week. It's going to be Alex's birthday on Friday and he wants to have his birthday party here, so I have to make sure to set everything up and find a right time for him to have his party and everything."

"Just make sure not to overwork yourself, Will. It's going to be a very busy week. With everything that's been going on, you need to also make time for yourself, too."

"Thanks for the tip, I guess."

Laurel spoke again.

"Say, Will, I heard Charlie told me that Michael invited her to come to Alex's party on Friday. Are you sure Michael should be inviting her along? I'm not against it, I just thought that since it's Alex's party, he should be the one inviting people."

"Yeah, I made sure of that. But if Alex doesn't mind Charlie being there, I think he'll be fine if she comes along."

"Alright then. I'll try helping you get that reservation for Friday ready, Will...", Henry said, "...and I'll make sure to order enough party supplies for it. You can go back home now if you really want to. You could also stay for a little longer, too."

Nah, I'm really kind of tired now. William responded.

"I'll just go back home and try to get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow I'll probably have to work on sending out the invites for Alex's party, and find him the perfect birthday gift, too. Thank you, Henry. Good night. I will leave once I get this suit off of me."

"Fine with me, old friend. Good night! See you tomorrow!"

William slowly turned and walked away, going back to the parts and service room to take off the Spring Bonnie suit. Ah, finally, after a long day's work. I just hope that the rest of the week won't be too stressful for me.