Ah, the sweet, refreshing joy of coffee. How I have missed you. William was sitting in the kitchen at a small, round, wooden table, treating himself to a nice, warm cup of freshly-made coffee. It was around eight A.M. in the morning, and he was also reading the newspaper from yesterday. He didn't have the time before because he was too busy, so he figured he'd just get it over with now. Doesn't look like anything too interesting has happened. Except those power outages.
"Honey, your eggs are almost ready. I'm preparing them for you."
The one who was talking from the other side of the kitchen was William's wife, Clara, who at the moment was making him some fried eggs for breakfast. She was a very attractive women, with silky blonde hair in a bent, wavy styled haircut, and light blue eyes. I swear, I could get lost staring into those eyes for so long. He first met Clara shortly after Henry hired him at Fredbear's years ago, and for some reason, he felt some sort of instant connection during that first meeting. Ah, seems like it was forever ago.
After a few more minutes, Clara walked over to the table and sat down next to him, and gave him his plate with two fried eggs, over-easy. She also gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before handing the plate to him. He could smell the delicious scent of the fried eggs before him. What would I do without you, my sweet Clara? William then took out his fork and began eating while Clara spoke to him.
"Did you have a good night's sleep? I saw that you came home a little later than usual."
"There was just some traffic I went through getting back here, Clara. It was nothing too serious. I also helped Henry perform for his kids last night, too. I figured it wouldn't take too long, so why not?"
She gave him a concerned look before responding.
"I just don't want you to feel overworked, William. I know it's been a busy past couple of months, but you've been looking kind of tired, lately."
"With all the stuff going on with the new pizzeria opening up and Alex's birthday birthday coming up, I haven't been able to take too many breaks here and then. I'm trying to get everything prepared for that party: the invitations, the gifts, the decorations, you know."
"Don't worry about all of that, William. I'll handle the invitations for you. Now, is Vincent going to be able to come on Friday or not? I need to know this."
Ah, my younger brother Vincent. It wouldn't be like him to not show up to Alex's party. He responded.
"I got a call from Vince a few days ago. He says he can make it. He just wants to know what kind of present he should get for Alex."
Clara seemed to be shocked, as if she just realized something she forgot about. "Wait, William, did you buy our present for Alex yet?"
"Yes, I did, Clara. I've got it hidden in the basement where Alex will never find it. He has no idea what I'm giving him."
"Good. We can't have him taking peaks at his birthday present just yet."
"Yeah. He's going to love his present. I hear he's very excited for the party on Friday. Oh, Clara, by the way, Henry told me last night that Michael invited Charlie to come along to the party, too. I told him it would be okay if Alex doesn't mind."
"Then we should probably tell that to Alex first, William. Besides, if he's okay with her coming along, we need to keep Charlie away from any chocolate treats or anything like that. You know how serious her allergy to chocolate is."
I sure do. Henry's told me a thousand times about what happened when he found out. They didn't test her for allergies before it happened. Apparently, one day, when she was given a chocolate bar by one of her friends or something, I don't remember everything Henry told me, she broke out with a deadly case of hives after taking a bite. From what I heard, they barely got Charlie to the hospital in time to treat her. From what Laurel told me, she and Henry nearly had a heart attack that day. They nearly lost their daughter that day. So now, Henry's made sure to keep her away from anything chocolate related at all times.
Poor girl. She can't eat a single piece of chocolate without having an allergic reaction. Now that must be torture.
While William and Clara continued their conversation, Michael got out of bed and walked downstairs to the family room. His trusty mini Fredbear toy followed along with him. Before he did that, though, he decided to check on his sister Elizabeth, to make sure she was doing alright. He got out of his bedroom and down the hall to take a small peak through his little sister's door. Elizabeth's room was much different that Michael's. She had a small bed with a dark pink blanket over it, a small dresser in the corner of the room, and a large picture of a flower on the wall, too.
She was fast asleep, adorably snoring, too. She was the youngest of the three Afton children, with Alex being the middle child and Michael being the oldest. Fredbear eagerly checked, too. Alright, she's doing fine, now time to head downstairs. The staircase in his house was quite long, so it took him a little while to carry Fredbear down with him. Man, this little guy is heavier than I thought! Once he was downstairs, he went into the living room to see if there were any cartoons on at the moment. He saw his parents talking to each other, so he decided not to interrupt them.
The living room was decently sized. The floor carpeting was darkish blue, there was a small, orange carpet set right in the middle of the room, a large light-blue sofa, and a large television set on top of a wooden drawer in front of it, sitting against the wall. Fredbear made himself comfortable and climbed on the sofa to take a seat, while Michael tried turning on the TV. When he finally did, the first thing that popped up on the screen was some kind of colorful advertisement for Fredbear and Friends. The commercial showed some images of Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Fredbear, but it wasn't too interesting for Michael.
A little while after he found a channel where there were cartoons to watch, he could hear some footsteps coming from the stairs. It didn't sound very loud, and his parents were already downstairs, so Michael thought it must've been his little brother Alex. Hmm...this gives me a little idea! Luckily, Alex went to the kitchen first, so Michael had some time to prepare his little prank. It's not that bad. All I'm going to do is hide behind the TV wearing my Foxy mask, wait for him to come in, jump out, and scare him!
Michael knew how much Alex hated Foxy, and how he was slightly afraid of him, so he thought the prank was perfect. Where did I put that mask, though? Must be around here somewhere. Maybe Fredbear knows.
"Hey Fredbear, could you get me my Foxy mask, please? I need it very badly, and fast."
The golden bear jumped from the couch and said enthusiastically, "Right away, Mikey!", and ran off to go get the Foxy mask. Michael decided to start hiding behind the TV, and waited for the right moment for Alex to walk in. It took a few minutes, but Fredbear returned to Michael eagerly, giving him the Foxy mask. It was a plastic, wearable mask that covered the front part of your face, with Foxy's long snout and pointy teeth visible. There was an eyepatch accessory, too, but that was only optional.
Perfect! Now all I have to do is wait for him to come in here and I'll give him a good scare! He put on the Foxy mask and told Fredbear to sit back on the couch. He also told Fredbear not to say anything about him if Alex asked. The bear did as he asked and jumped back on the blue couch. Alright, everything is in place now. I just have to be patient.
After waiting around a good ten minutes, Alex finally walked into the living room, not noticing Michael behind the TV. He seemed to be kind of tired from the looks of it. "Ah, let's see what's on TV," he said. Right before he started walking towards the television set, Michael was trying to figure out what to do. Should I roar at him, or hiss maybe? One of those two will be fine. As long as I jump-scare him when he least expects it.
Alex was about to turn on the television (keep in mind that not many TV sets had remotes in the early 80s), when Michael quickly pounced out from behind it and screeched like a demon. He must've done a good job at it, too, because Alex screamed and fell down to the floor in shock. Ha ha, it worked! While Michael was having a good laugh, Alex was not feeling the same way.
"That's not funny, Michael! You know how much I hate Foxy!"
"Come on, don't be such a baby, Alex! I was just messing with you. There's no reason to scream."
Alex was still a little spooked from that prank. He responded.
"That thing makes me nervous and you know it, Michael! Now can you please stop it?! I just want to watch some cartoons, and I can't even do that without you doing something."
Michael gave him a dirty look before responding back.
"Don't take it so personal. All I wanted was to give you a little scare."
That's one thing I don't really understand about Alex. I know he's kind of scared of Foxy, but to be honest, he's never told me why. I mean, if I'm not scared of it, he shouldn't be scared of it, and I'm only a year older than him. Maybe it's that sharp hook hand of Foxy that scares him, or his sharp teeth. The one in my nightmare last night was terrifying enough, but the normal version? It doesn't scare me. Oh, whatever. Each to his own, I guess.
Alex remained very silent towards Michael, and sat down next to Fredbear while watching some cartoons. Michael decided to leave them and go get some breakfast because he was getting hungry, and he thought he and Alex needed to think things through for a bit before talking to each other again. Besides, I've got better things to think about. That birthday party on Friday is supposed to be fun, and if Charlie's coming, then I'll be more than happy about that.