The Afton Residence - July 16, 1983 - Roughly 8:30 P.M. (Present Time)
4 Days Until The Party...
After a long day of trying to forget the nightmare from last night and trying to spend some time with his other friends, Michael was lying in bed in his room, trying to fall asleep. Turns out Mom and Dad were not happy when they found out I pranked Alex this morning. I told them I was just pulling off a harmless little prank, but they reminded me that Alex is very frightened of Foxy, and turns out Dad gave me a little talk about that vase I broke yesterday.
He wasn't too harsh about it, though. Firm but fair, I should say. But at least I didn't too harshly punished for pranking Alex, at least. Please, if I tried to pull that prank on Charlie, I bet she would just giggle. But enough about that stupid prank already. I've got much more important things on my mind. He tried telling his mother about that nightmare he had, and she told him not to worry about anything. I think I remember what she said to me. "If you have another nightmare, just go to me and I'll take care of it, Michael."
Alright, then. Now I just need to fall asleep, and hopefully not have another freaky nightmare again. I really shouldn't be jinxing this, though. Well, whatever. Mini Fredbear was currently in his closet for the night, out of Michael's reach. Tomorrow is another day. Another chance for a fresh start. And with that, he fell fast asleep.
After what felt like a few hours later, however, I found myself back inside of another horrific dream. By the time I knew what was going on, I was very frustrated that I had to go through all of this again. Seriously?! I'm back in the nightmare? But as I took my time to look around me, I noticed that things were very different this time. For one, I wasn't inside of my room anymore. I don't why, but I was somewhere else. The place looked very familiar to Michael. The black and white tiled floors, the decorated party tables, the arcade machines in the back of the large building around him, and the stage with red curtains in front of him made him realize where he was.
Hey, this looks like Fredbear's! But what am I doing in here? This doesn't add up. He tried looking at some of his other surroundings. There was a large ball pit in the back, but this one seemed to be much larger than the one at the Fredbear's Family Diner he knew. In fact, the version of Fredbear's in his dream was quite different from what he remembered. On some tables, there were a series of birthday balloons tied together, along with some other treats scattered across them. But on the front stage, there was something very wrong: only the Fredbear animatronic was standing there.
Fredbear wasn't making any sudden movements, standing as still as stone. "Maybe he's just out of power or something?", Michael thought, as he walked closer to the stage to get a better look. Once he got up to the stage, he saw that Fredbear was still not moving. Just standing there. Michael even touched him briefly, and still nothing. Well, I guess he's not moving. Nothing more to see here, then. But as he slowly turned around him, what he saw gave him a little shock.
For some reason, standing ten feet away from him, there was Spring Bonnie, staring right at him. But this wasn't the Spring Bonnie Michael remembered, either. The color of the suit was the same, but the shape was very different. This one was a bit bulkier, with a large shaped head and face, with square teeth in his wide mouth, and a little, black nose. His eyes were small and blue, with apparent flesh surrounding them and a black oily looking liquid oozing from his left eye. His body was rotund, with slightly thinner limbs attached to them, with a large, unhinging jaw and had seemingly several rows of thin, sharp metal fangs hidden within its mouth.
Michael couldn't tell if there was someone inside of that suit or not. Or at least someone human inside. I got the feeling there was something much different inside of it. For a moment, the rabbit just stared at me creepily, completely focused on my movement, before it waved at me, like a greeting. I honestly had no idea how to react to this. Spring Bonnie didn't seem to speak just yet, and moved slightly closer to Michael. Okay, I'm getting kind of creeped out by this guy. I'm just going to walk away from him now. Michael tried his best to stay away from the rabbit, and decided to walk the long way around it to get to the back of the diner near the arcade section.
When he got there, though, he turned around, and saw that the rabbit was following him around. There was something else very off about the rabbit. I feel like there's something...unsettling inside of that thing, for some reason. I don't know why, but I'm not getting good vibes from him. Like some kind of monster. Then, the rabbit made some kind of hand sign that I couldn't understand. He did it several times over, but I still had no clue what he was trying to say, so I spoke up.
"Uh...what do you want?"
When I said that, the rabbit facepalmed, and finally spoke to me. His voice sounded very static-like, somewhat like that of a robot, obviously.
"Follow me."
What? I know what I heard, but I don't understand. The rabbit waited in silence, waiting for Michael to make a decision. I guess he's not leaving until I decide. Nah, forget it. He's probably only going to give me trouble. With that, Michael walked away from the arcade section and tried to get away from Spring Bonnie. Surprisingly, the rabbit didn't follow him this time, and seemingly went off to do its own thing. Wait, that actually worked? I didn't expect him to go away that easily. But soon enough, Michael saw that he had much bigger problems to deal with now.
He stepped in something that felt wet, some kind of liquid, and he thought at first that perhaps the floor was wet. There weren't any wet floor signs around, though, and when he looked down to see what it was, it made him scared. Right underneath his shoe, he was standing in a small pool of blood. How the heck did this get here? He quickly noticed that this wasn't the only sign of blood on the floor. In fact, there seemed to be a zig-zag like pattern on the floor of several blood drops, leading to what looked like the backdoor to one of the employee rooms.
What is this?! On one hand, I definitely do not want to see where this is going, but on the other, I'm still so confused. What does this mean? He quickly checked around, just in case that rabbit was spying on him. Strangely enough, I didn't see him anywhere at all. I thought it was safe to check it out, so I started slowly following the trail of blood droplets on the floor. I was sort of scared to keep going, but I didn't know what it was leading me to. Eventually, I got to the point where I reached the black backdoor of some kind of room that had a sign that read out, "Private Party Room". Still no sign of that rabbit, though. Just don't panic. I'm just going to take a small peak at what's inside, and get out. No need to panic.
I gently open the door.
I immediately regretted my decision. The inside of the room was dark, with the only light being the candles lit on a large chocolate birthday cake sitting on a large, decorated table inside the room. There was even a large blue banner in the back that read out the words, "Happy Birthday!", and even a few presents on the table, too. But then there was the thing that made me frightened down to the bone.
There was a girl, sitting in a chair near the table, wearing a casual set of blue and yellow clothes. She had very long, black, curly hair, with curly bangs, that seemed to practically cover the entire backside of her head. But there seemed to be something very wrong with the girl. She looked awfully pale, and by pale, I don't mean how Charlie looks, but this girl right here looks as pale as a ghost. I had no idea what I was looking at, so I slowly stepped inside to get a better look at her.
When I got right up to her, I noticed something that made me vomit inside of my mouth. Her clothes were completely stained in her own blood, and a large, bloody hunting knife was sitting on the floor beside her. I could see the several deep stab wounds inflicted upon her body. Her facial veins seemed to be very visible, and there were two, long lines that rolled down from her eyes like tears, but I noticed that it was actually blood. Her right eye also looked like it had been, know what, I don't want to explain this anymore. It's already making me feel sick.
Oh my God. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. This poor girl was murdered so brutally...why? Who would do such a thing?! As I tried to turn around and get out of this place, right behind me, I found Spring Bonnie, standing near the backdoor entrance, staring at me with his arms folded. Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no! When he said "Follow me", he must've wanted to bring me here! Michael immediately tried hiding under the table, but the rabbit didn't seem keen on hurting him.
Instead, he just stood there, and said the following words to Michael.
"What do you think of my latest work?"
It didn't appear that the rabbit wanted to bring him here to kill him. The rabbit wanted me to see what he did. But why? Why show any kid anything like this?! Before he knew it, the rabbit left the room, closing and locking the door behind him. I tried to run up to the door handle and open it, but it wouldn't budge. Darn it! Am I seriously stuck in this room with the dead girl? Let me out of here, you stupid, fluffy bunny! But it didn't matter. The door wasn't opening.
Great, now what do I do? The only way out is blocked off, and to top it off, I'm in here with that dead girl! At least I'm not with that rabbit, though. I feel like I wouldn't last very long trapped with it in here. But his sense of security quickly dropped once he turned around. Apparently, that dead girl wasn't as "dead" as I thought. I saw that she wasn't sitting in the chair anymore, and instead, she was standing right next to the table, much closer to me. Oh no, get away from me!
I tried to find some space to get away from the girl, but there was only so much free space in the room we were in, so I backed up in the corner. As soon as I did that, the girl shot a glance at me, a glance that certainly didn't look friendly. She opened her left eye, and it was glowing red. She was much more terrifying in person than I thought. What was even more disturbing was that there were a blood droplets dripping from the tips of her fingers, and then, she spoke to me. I expected it to be some kind of demonic, scary kind of voice, but strangely, it sounded very sweet, almost like that of a normal girl.
"The nightmares are just beginning. There is more than just these terrors to fear. You will suffer, as I have suffered before you."
And with that, out of nowhere, the girl instantly teleported right in front of me, and tried to gauge my eyes out with her fingers. I could hear her screaming at me violently in an ear-shattering tone. I felt like I was screaming my lungs out, but the next thing I knew, I woke up, back in my bed, at home. Wait a minute. How do I know that this isn't just another nightmare like last night? He quickly turned to his flashlight under his pillow and turned it on, and found that his alarm clock read out the numbers "6:00 A.M.". I still wasn't quite sure just yet, so I decided to give myself a slap on the arm just to be sure. It definitely hurt, so I knew I wasn't dreaming anymore.
This is the second nightmare already, but this one was much different than last night's. Tonight I was at Fredbear's, for some reason, but I don't understand it. I think it's better if I just tell Mom what happened later in the morning. It was still kind of early for me to wake up, so I didn't want to go back downstairs just yet. I tried to gently fall back asleep, but that image of that dead girl attacking me kept popping back in my head, and I just couldn't sleep peacefully with that picture in my head. It scared me, even more than that Nightmare Bonnie from last night. Those frightening images were burned into my head. It's going to take some therapy to recover from this.
Author's Announcement: Hey readers! This is completely unrelated, but I heard that the new trailer for "Five Night's At Freddy's: Security Breach" has been released. I've seen it already, and from what I can tell, I am very interested to see where it will go.