Disclaimer: Okay, just so you guys reading this know this, I am sorry that I wasn't able to post a chapter for quite a while now. It's just that in the past month, there has been an absolute TON of work I've been working on, and I've also been experiencing a brief case of writer's block. I was also focused on writing a new chapter for my Danganronpa fanfic and publishing this fanfic on Wattpad, too. But I feel like it would be wrong to post a new chapter in so long and not have anything new at all, so instead, I'll give you a shorter, mini chapter. I'm still continuing the story, just please have patience, my readers. It's been hard for me to figure out where exactly I want the story to go, and how it's going to go there, too. But anyways, here you go. I promise the next chapter will be much longer than this.
Cannon Falls, Fredbear's Family Diner - July 17, 1983 - 8:35 P.M.
3 Days Until The Party...
"Well, Henry, what's the progress report for now?" asked William, sitting in a chair in front of Henry's desk in his office. On his desk there was Helpy, but he was currently deactivated.
"Eh, same old, Will. I've still been trying to get all of the construction perms for the new site. But it's been getting a lot harder to manage recently. Now, Will, I understand that there was an incident today that troubled you. Could you explain it to me?"
"Look, I took Alex here for today to give him a special time, but the moment I take my eyes off of him, he ran into the Parts and Service room and told me he was being chased by two bullies. I'm just happy he wasn't hurt or anything. He told me that it was that Silas kid again. (*sigh*) Annoying little shit. That kid is always causing a ruckus around my boys."
Henry seemed to be taking this very well. "I'm sorry to hear about that, Will, I really am. Incidents like this haven't exactly happened too often around here, but I'll make sure this doesn't happen to your son again."
"Thanks, Henry. I'm just trying to make sure everything's all right for Alex's birthday. It's been such a stressful time that I barely have time to relax. With the whole new location and the new animatronics and everything."
"True, true. I think the earliest designs for the new ones are still in development. Now, let's try to make sure nothing else goes happen this week. We need to be focused."
"Yes, I understand, Henry. Have you got some of the decorations and the reservations filled out yet?"
"I'm working on it as we speak, Will. I'll let you know when I'm done with them. Also, can I ask you something random?"
I certainly didn't know what he was talking about, but I went along with it.
"Uh, sure?"
"It's been a while since we last stepped foot in that old Circus Baby World location, hasn't it? I know we've been back there a couple times, but I think it's been a good few months since we last checked on it."
Oh yeah. I do remember that. During the past few years since he started working for Henry, he barely had any time to visit both Baby and Ennard, but he was still able to see them a few times every few months or so. Surprisingly, the building's still standing. Nobody's been willing to buy it off ever since those child murder reports came out to the public. So Henry just kind of owns the place, but he doesn't really visit it often. Nor has he ever set foot in the underground part of the facility.
And thank goodness for that. I don't know how I would've ever been able to explain how Baby is possessed or why two dead men had their skin ripped off or any of the other insane things I saw there. Not to mention Fazbear Entertainment would've probably freaked out if they found out about that, too. It's bad enough that they blackmailed both me and Henry to keep quiet about Dave's involvement in those child murders. I don't need anything else like that right now. Besides, I've just been so focused on my family and my current life that I've barely had any time to visit Baby in a while. Maybe sometime later, after Alex's party, perhaps.