the park

We are on the swings and jason pulls out his flask and ruins the night. He tries to kiss me and i pull away. You know how I feel about you drinking. Relax libbs its homecoming coming i'm just celebrating. He tries to kiss me again I back away and hopped off the swing to start heading home. He grabs my arm and pulls me into him forcing me to kiss him. JASON stop let go of me in not in the mood. Well i am you look so beautiful how can i not be. Jay were at the park; i don't care libby it's just the two of us. He tries again i punch him hard and he fell backwards off the swing. He gets up eyes flaming red the next thing i know he pushes me to the swing forces himself on me i try to fight back but he grabs my arms and holds them down. I headbutted him in the face. There was no time to react his hands were now around my throat. I try scratching him but he squeezes tighter and tighter. All of a sudden I see my body. It took me a minute to realize what had happened jason literally squeezed the life out of me. In shock i watch jason still standing over my body. Not really sure what to think i wait for jason's reaction. For what seems like hours jason realized what he did. He whips out his phone zach man im in big trouble! I can't explain right now just come to Ashfall Park. yes i know its 1 in the morning. Okay okay see ya soon bye he hangs up. Zach arrives and slams his car door. Dude shut the hell up and get over here! Jay what the hell is… jason what the hell did you do! Zach was just as shocked as I was. After thinking for a minute zach's eyes go cold. Grab her arms and ill grab her legs and we'll put her the back of my car. Being a ghost I just went through the car and hover over my body. I can tell my body is starting the process of rigamortis. I look at my face and see terror frozen on my face. Jason close her eyes they are looking right at me through the mirror and its freaking me out. Her eyes won't shut she's completely frozen. Shit we need to hurry and get this taken care of. Beep beep my phone rings and we all look in jason's direction. My phone was blowing up with text messages since the reception was bad in the park. Shouting oh my god what do we do! Jason was really freaking out her phone wont stop going off. Zach as calm as ever asked who it was that messaged me. Jason's eyes got really wide. Her mom! I can't just ignore it they'll know something's up she's very close to her parents. Dude calm down what does it say. Hey libb just wondering where you are and if you're safe we love you mom n dad xoxo. Hearing jason read that out loud made me burst into tears knowing id never be able to talk to my parents again. I'll never be able to feel the warmth of their hugs or smell the faint smell of mom's vanilla perfume or dad's body spray. My attention snapped back to jason when i heard him freaking out to zach. She has more texts from more people! Lindsey, justin, and alex. Well read em all before you send a message to anyone. He read lindsey's first hey grl have fun w/ alex 2nite dnt do anything i wldnt do luv ya; next was justin call me after work 2morro luv ya; finally it was alex's wait w8 2 c u 2nite :). That last message set jason off that lying cheating whore! He was angrily mumbling what he was typing. I couldn't hear what he was saying but zach must of because he yelled dude! Don't you dare send that! Erase it now dont be stupid!