
My parents woke up at about 930. They checked the house incase i came home while they were sleeping. When i was nowhere in sight dad called the crew. Johnson is been 24 hours bring some of the guys down and lets get started. It got boring on the crew to get. I honestly thinks it pointless for them to be here. They'll never find me im literally pig shit by now. I decided to go to my room and dream of everything i'll never do again. I know i sound dramatic but i had just died give me a break.once in my room i plop down on my bed. Rough day huh? I spring up and see a gorgeous boy sitting on the edge of my bed. He had long brown hair that covered his eyes and was dressed like a skater. You can see me i said a little too excitedly. Um yeah the dead can only see the other dead. I just uttered oh. My name is derek he sounded as if he was bored and didnt wanna be here. Im L…. Liberty he cut me off. First off i prefer libby, secondly how do you know my name, next why are you in my room? Well liberty this is my room and you were assigned to me. Libby and what do you mean assigned? Wow nice femine touch to your room i said really annoyed. What happened next I couldn't believe. My room changed. The room was a huge mess clothes all over , a big stereo were my flat screen tv just was and queen bed took place of my california king. This is most definitely not my room I said out loud meaning to keep it in my head. I told ya it was my room. In a blink of an eye we were back in my room. Woah how do you do that and you never answered me about being assigned to me. Lady you ask a lot of questions but im feeling generous I'll answer any questions you have but only three at a time and you have to kiss me derek said with a sinister grin. That is definitely not happening, but if you don't answer my questions I'll make sure whatever you are assigned to me for is unpleasant and that you fail i said returning his sinister grin. Fine can't blame a guy for trying but like said i'm only answering three at a time. Whatever tell me about the assignment. He sighed and began explaining lets just say when i died i wasn't a good boy and as punishment I have to help you cross over. I don't push anything further about crossing over. Just the thought of it terrified me to my core. So i asked how he switched the rooms. Why you wanna come hang in my room sometime again with a smirk. As gorgeous as he was I wasn't in the mood for flirting um no say i can avoid your room. Everything you do requires energy because thats all your spirit is. So depending on what you're doing depends on how much energy and rest you need. As time goes on you'll learn everything just as you do throughout your physical life. Switching rooms is easy all you have to do is think about it. For example yesterday when you were balling like a baby in the middle of the road where was the one place you wanted to be? Home am i right? Then all of a sudden you were home. How did you know about the road? I asked really annoyed about his statement. I've watched you grow up. It's my job to know everything about you. So i follow your every move... almost. Before you ask why I didn't save you its because that's not my job nor do i have the right or power. That's all the big man upstairs. If i fail on helping you i go to hell if I succeed im good to go up and meet our maker when you do. What did you do that was so bad? I'm not one to pry but i was curious. Well libbs your three questions are up. By the way looks like you got company. I look out the window the guys were finally there. I go down the stairs and johnson is asking my parents typical questions in the kitchen. Okay chief as you know we need you to tell us everything you can to help us find liberty. He was like an uncle to me he was a close family friend. Johnson my dad said in a stern voice, yes chief he hesitated to reply. I'm sorry i was so harsh yesterday. Its ok chief i would have been the same way. Hell we all libby and were shocked to hear that she's missing. Now enough about my feelings i wouldn't be very good at my job if I cried every time you yelled at me. Dad and johnson exchanged smiles poured some coffee. It's nice to have a best friend to boss around they laughed as they sat at the table. I need you to tell me everything you can remember about the night libby disappeared. Dad started the last we saw her was friday night before the dance. Mom cut in she was wearing a lime-green ball-gown dress with black high heels. Her boyfriend jason ferguson picked her up in a limo. My dad got on his phone to show them a picture I posted on one of my social media accounts. Do you guys recognize anyone else in the photo? Almost everyone mom said that her boyfriend, her best friend lindsey mcdaniels, her other best friend justin waylon, jason's brother umm mikey, zeke, zane, oh right here zach dad said, but I don't recognize anyone's dates. How about you stace? Umm nope no idea but i honestly don't think they had anything to do with her disappearance. Meaning she didn't think the couples dates had anything to do with me and just talk with my friends. Johnson got the hint and started getting up from the table put his mug in the sink. Gasped when he saw dad right behind him um chief you're coming too? Well yeah this is my daughter after all. On top of that my job. As dad heads closer to the door and turns around. I guess i'm not going. His boss called telling him he's not aloud on the case or the office for a week. Did you forget something honey? Dad explained to mom about the phone call. Mom sighed and said well we can't just sit here and do nothing. We arent my love why don't you go take a shower and clear your mind as i start printing out flyers. Mom smiled my little rule breaker she kissed dad and headed up stairs. Gross...derek said outta nowhere. I snarled do you ever leave? Nope I think you forgot this is my house too. Fine then go to your own version. His rude statements were starting to get on my last nerve even though i agree on the parents kissing thing. Nah being in this one is way more entertaining. Fine i said do whatever you want i'm going with and following the investigation. I walked through the house and into the car with johnson. Well this should be interesting derek said once again coming outta nowhere. Derek go away you're not coming. Who died and made you the boss of me he said. Now even more annoyed than I was when I first met him this morning. You're rude as hell and I just died. why would you wanna come when you obviously don't care. You have absolutely no empathy and I'm sorry that you're mad you were assigned to me and that's not my fault. I'm not rude or a mean person but i do know how to stand up for myself and i will not be made to feel this way. Like I'm nothing but a job you have to do to save yourself from hell. At this point I have tears rolling down my face not because I was sad but I was beyond mad.