the note

Justin and lindsey met in the hallway. Hey jus; hey linds. Lindsey looked up at justin with tears in her eyes. Where is she? What happened to her jus? Linds i don't know but we should have never left her alone with him. Don't worry we'll find her i promise. Lindsey cried into justin's chest for a half hour. He finally lifted up her head linds we will find her okay i promise. All she could do was nod her head. He kissed her forehead and they continued walking out to their cars. Man i really hope they get together soon derek said. I kinda forgot he was there but his remark made me giggle. I do too i replied. Do me a favor? I asked. Go with justin and make sure he doesnt do anything stupid. Why to make sure he doesnt go find jason? I look at him questionly. I know all about your friends as much as i know about yours he said. So is that part of the deal to? i asked. No but only watching you grow up got boring so id check on lindsey and justin from time to time. I was the i who suggested justin take taekwondo. I smiled at him will you please go with him. Sure oh and liberty ? yes ? I'm actually getting used to my full name being said. You have one more question before i ignore you the rest of the day. He smiled, man did he have a gorgeous smile i'm not gonna lie. I don't know what i was thinking my boyfriend just killed me i count that as a break up how am i thinking about derek. I couldn't help it i smile back at him. Just go ya goof and meet me back home. Yes dear he said as he got into justin's car. I smile and shake my head getting into the car with lindsey. She was looking at something in her hand. Meet me at our usual spot 5:00 heart -jake-. My eyes got huge. What in the hell does that mean? Lindsey rolled her eyes crumpled up the note and threw it in the back. Whatever that was i have a feeling it's not good. Oh liberty roxanne i don't know where you are but when you come home im kicking your ass then hugging you and telling you everything. I now know whatever it means is not good if she kept it a secret. I decided to hang with lindsey all day. We got to her house and went up to her room. She put on one of my favorite movies. In the middle of the movie she started to cry. Looking at the clock she cursed to herself 4:15 shit i gotta get ready. Damn you libby where are you? i need you! Her anxiety was getting worse as she was doing her hair and make up as quick as she could. Looked at the clock again shit! Its now 4:37 and she really started freaking out he's gonna be pissed. We got in the car and started heading towards the lake. Only we drove past the lake i was starting to feel uneasy myself. We got to our destination. A cabin in the woods. It was a beautiful cabin very well hidden in the woods. I recognized where we were. I spent most of summers here. Why were we at my family's cabin? Walking up to the door linds was practicing her fake smile. That she only did when she did something that she really didn't wanna do. For example hanging out with jason or steph. We got up to the door and lindsey had pulled out a key. Why does lindsey have a key to my cabin i know i didn't give her one. I decide to go ahead and go in instead of waiting for her to unlock the door