That dare and her life now at risk!

"Hahaha, look at that fear!" The black woman mumbled looking at Mia and pushed Rose further.

"You four better get prepared for the auction by tomorrow midnight!"

'Another bomb? Wasn't Rose enough for me to suffer this day?' Mia sighed and just hugged her legs cracking the lady into a brittle laugh.

"H Hi?" Rose mumbled sitting on the empty bed and the twins were the one to answer.


"Where are you guys from?" Rose mumbled when Mia eyed her to continue.

"We are from city M. What about you?" One asked while the other stayed silent.

"I am from city B." Rose mumbled with a weak smile and continued,

"There is no clock here not even a window!"

The Chatty sister shook her head with a reply,

"We would anyhow be killed in a day. Don't worry."


Pointing at Mia, the girl continued,