Naomi's last wish!

A few hours before.

"Xavier, Naomi is really missing!!" Xuan panicked early in the morning and they soon landed back in their basement in City A to search for her. They had skipped breakfast to attend an important meeting, an emergency as Noami had gone missing for the last few days. 

The last time they saw her was with Smith, their traitor who had been sharing important things with Helena and working for the TheSins clan. It was the last time even Xavier saw her when she came with smith to hit him and send him into a comma as per Helena's demands.

That lady had threatened to come in front of Mia if he fails to obey her orders, and she just tested him by physically harming him that day. Though he had no clue why she made such absurd demands, Arthur knew that psychopath well. She wanted to enjoy seeing in pain, hence she was behind the next generations than themselves.

Xavier came back from his thoughts when Xuan suggested something.