Acquire new spells

The next day, I wake up without having any problems. On this night, I slept really good for some reasons, and one of them is the fact that yesterday I worked so hard, but the most important of all is the fact that I did not have any dream of those guys, which is nice because my head has started to hurt whenever I wake up and remember that kind of dream with those two guys.

When I opened my eyes I began to smell a very unpleasant odour, one that really made me vomit. I quickly put my left hand to my nose, pull out my wand with my right hand and point it in the direction of that unbearable smell, thinking it's some kind of toxic gas, but it's worse than that. The smell came from the table in the bunker because there was food that was cooked by the person who should not get his hands on the polish and if he did he would have to be punished by hanging! Yes ... Fiona cooked breakfast. This morning breakfast was probably going to be the last one of my poor life.

"Oh, Judah! You are awake," says Fiona smiling at me. "Right on time to taste my delicious omelette."

"Delicious and food should be in the same sentence when it comes to you!" I thought to myself while I am going to eat that food that should not even be served to pigs who haven't eat in the entire week.

When I sat down at the table, I looked around and noticed that Emily and Big Gus were not in the Bunker. I look at Fiona, then ask her where the two are, to which she answers.

"Those two have been called by the General, where that douchebag is, to help cure some wounded healer wizards."

"Lucky bastards!" I screamed to myself, "Those two bastards-related-liars have forgotten about me! I hope they are in a forest and they are eating the good food that Emily has prepared! Damm those traitors!"

Fiona asked me if I slept well last night. I explained to her that I had no problem while I was sleeping, and she, understanding, offered me two more pieces of the so-called omelette as a reward. I had better keep quiet or even better, I was learning a spell that would make me stop talking.

In short, I ate that "omelette" and the taste was so horrible, that, in the next second was about to throw up, while Fiona is looking at me. But, I did the most disgusting decision I have ever made, I swallowed back that abomination because I do not want to make Fiona upset which would probably result in a neck-snapping or worse, a hand slashing. I ate those garbage omelettes and after that, I left the bunker, and run to the forest, somewhere safe where I can throw up that garbage my knight I am working to has made. I get behind a tree and the omelette has started to come back from the stomach and to hit the outside world.

After I finish vomiting, I return to the bunker completely dizzy and when I get there, I notice the traitors coming. Emily looks exhausted, and Big Gus doesn't seem tired or sleepy at all. Big Gus notices me and asks me what I'm doing, which I was about to yell at him for betraying me, but I notice Fiona opening the bunker door so I keep my mouth shut and I'll yell at both of them later when Fiona isn't around. Of course, I could say a couple of bad words to them now, if I'm desperate to get a sword twice as big as my head.

"Emily? Are you alright?" asked Fiona looking at Emily who slowly enters the bunker and she gets on her bed to take a good nap because she is sleepy.

"Let her sleep," says Big Gus to Fiona while she is looking at Emily getting on her bed. "She has used her entire mana supply and energy to heal those healers, injured soldiers, and one nobbles kid."

"Nobble kid? ... Is that guy Henderson?" I asked Big Gus.

"Yes. He got a broken arm after he punched his squire because he didn't bring him a glass of wine. It looks like, that noble broke his arm when he touched the solid cheeks of his squire." says Big Gus being impressed at that guy named Gregonson.

"Why she did though?" asked Fiona feeling sad for Emily.

"General orders. He is scared of that kid father." says Big Gus to both of us.

We looked at Emily's bed, and we saw her sleeping, so all there decided to leave the bunker and to stay outside to let Emily sleeps because she deserves it after her work. Using healing spells on multiple people is a tough job for every wizard, and I know that feeling because a few days ago I healed a lot of people in that burning village.

"So... How many injured were there?" I asked Big Gus.

"Probably somewhere at sixty-two if I remember, but don't worry, sixty-two cannot pull Emily that down when it comes to healing, but when it comes to the other thing they can."

"You mean the "S" word?" asked Fiona, which makes Big Gus approach me and cover my ears.

"Not in the face of children!" says Big Gus, which I can still hear him even though he covered my ears like a protective parent when he hears someone said a curse word in public.

"Oh, sorry." says Fiona feeling ashamed for saying that thing.

A few minutes have passed, and all three are outside and waiting for someone to come or an attack from enemy soldiers, which would probably never happened. We sat quietly until Big Gus, when he looked in his backpack, discovered a book of spells, most likely Emily's. This book is bigger than the one I own, which means that it contains many more spells that I can cast. I ask Big Gus if he can give me the spell book so I can take a look, and he hands it to me and tells me to be careful, because some spells in this book can be unstable, even for an experienced wizard.

I take this spellbook in my hands, open it to a random page, and read a few spells. The first spell I saw can turn you into a slime monster that eats enemy weapons. This spell seems interesting to me so I decided to take the spellbook that I have had for a few days and write the name of that spell on a blank page because in that spellbook of mine there is no such spell. The second magic spell I find turns my metal hands, and this spell can be used by a higher wizard level but is recommended for wizards who have battle skills of anger or rage. I write down this spell with the same feather on the blank side of my little spellbook, then look for other spells that may be useful later. I turn to a few pages and come to a spell that interests me more than a gipsy when he sees iron that can be stolen. The third spell I noted is described as one that can turn the wizard into a certain person, as it were, I could use this spell to infiltrate the enemy base or solve the lives of some, but this spell only works. if the person I want to transform into is fainting or dead, and the wizard must be a Master, which means a lot. However, I wrote down this spell, maybe it will help me in the future when I become a Master, who knows?

Just these three spells seem interesting enough and the only ones I can use on my current level. All the rest of the spells in this book are for an advanced wizard-like Emily. After I finished reading a few spells, I send the book back to Big Gus, which put the book back in his backpack.

After almost an hour, Emily wakes up and we entered the bunker to prepare lunch. This time, me and Big Gus will do the lunch and Fiona with Emily will go to the forest to gather woods, because this lunch, will consist of preparing fish soup.