Back on the front

The road back to our battlefield took almost two days for some reasons, such as being attacked by some angry villagers who think we were Turkeys and we were trying to invade them, and also, one of the carriages have been destroyed while we were traveling the river. Yeap, this journey back to our base was one of the best I have ever had in ten years I am in this beautiful and non-violent world... That was sarcasm.

I stay in the back of a cart that is fully covered and in the giant groups of other military carts who are moving into the place where Romania is fighting against some Turks just to acquire some land of a bastard. I'm sitting on that watch with Fiona, Roger, Josh, and that nobleman who had been the leader of our group for only a short time. This former leader has been through a lot of moments lately so he may like to stay in his royal palace where he is served by royal goodies, looks at the maids who dance for him to satisfy his need for spectacle, or sleep peacefully in his chamber.

"So..." says Josh to us. "We are going back there, eh?"

"Yes." respond Roger to Josh's question with a normal tone. "And you, Fiona..." looks at Fiona. "Are you going to lead us?"

But Fiona did not respond to that question, she looks outside like a person who is trying to be sure nothing dangerous is following her. Roger tried to call her, and then Fiona looks at Roger and asks him in a normal tone.

"What is it?"

"I-I was just asking if you are going to lead us in this battlefield." respond Roger to Fiona.

"Oh... Well... I will not."

"... Okay." says Roger who looks like he understands the situation and then he looks at me. "What about you, little man? Are you going to fight by our side in this war?"

"Yes." I respond at Roger.

"Great. Anyway... Mind if I ask you something, Josh?"

"What is it?" asked Josh feeling nervous.

"It is not much of a big deal. I wanted to know if you are looking for some help in a quest."

"What quest?"

"You know about the incident with canibals who burned an entire village. Well, that village might need some help in reconstruction so I wonder... Would you like to help me and gain some good amount of gold coins?"

"Sure. Why not?" respond Josh to Roger and then those two are looking at Fiona wishing that she will join them in rebuilding that village, but she replied to them.

"I appreciate the offer, but I unfortenly I will not go."

"Why?" asks Roger.

"You see. When we will go back in that camp, everyone will regain their old posisitons. And I with Judah are going to go on the frontline."

"Frontline?" I asks Fiona because I didn't believe we were on the frontline when we left the camp. "We were on the frontline?"

"Yes. But now our frontline has drastically changed because our Army has pushed so much far when we have left their base. The position were will be located it is on the a big river who draw the border between our area and the Turkey ones. And their area it is located on the beach."

Everyone are looking at Fiona without saying anything because all three of us didn't know about this thing. Then, Fiona who felt like a teacher who saw some students who didn't understand her lecture she is telling them.

"I contacted our Army base and I also give the General some ideas on how they can win those battles. And their last message, which was this morning when you three were searching for Fernando, told me that the enemy army is currently located on the beach. One last push and then the enemy Army will retreat from our area and then we can do that attacking on the interior of that Kingdom. But first when we will arrive back to our camp, we will have to tell our Generals what was happened between that meeting with Moldovia King and me."

"... After we will make the enemy retreat..." I says while I look at Fiona. "What are we going to do?"

"We will go back... Back to our Kngdom and working as defenders of this Kingdom."

"Great. Cant wait to eat delicious food again?"

"I know." says Fiona. "The cooking hereit is not good."

"You are the one to talk!" I thought to myself after Fiona said that sentence.

After a few more minutes of staying in silence and waiting to arrive back to our base, I have decided to something to make the time passes much more faster. I took the spellbook out of the backpack who contains wands, staffs and also some clothes in case the ones I am currently wearing will become dirty in a beating or a little battle in a rainy atmosphere, and started counting the pages of the spellbook who contains the spells.

Right now, I haven't really checked all of the spells of this book, because this quite aweird book because some spells appears and disappear which makes this spellbook quite unique, and is also the fact that when a spell disappear, you cannot use it anymore, until the spell will reappear. Right now I have thirty eight spells, but one of those I have used a while has started to disappear, such as the spell "Fireball" or "Sniper Shot", which will probably be a big trouble to me when it will come to shoot from distance because these spells are hl me to do these things, but at least I got the one who helps me launch rocks and "Shotgun" (that spell has appeared three days ago and remained in the book since then which is not weird, because in the book, most of the spells last one week or mostly one month). I think the first thing I will do when I will arrive on the Kingdom, I will try to find that building I bought those magic items and try asks the sellerat this weird spellbook. But since I will arrive there, I will have to face a few battles who will decide the fate of Kingdom of Romania and Turkey Empire, and also Kingdom of Moldovia.

A few minutes later, after I finished looking at these spells, I put the spellbook back in the backpack and then I took from there another book, but this time, one of the novels I took with me to read into the night. I started to read the novel from the last page I was last night, which was page number twelve and the part where the Main Character meets a wizard who participated in killing a noble warrior. While I was reading the book, our cart continued to travel with the other ones, Fiona tried to sleep on the cart with her sword on the back and Josh with Roger have decided to play a card game. I am reading this book until we arrive on the camp.


A few hours later, we arrived on our new camp, and there, everything was different, there were much more injured warriors who are on their medical tents, normal tents, or laying on the land of the camp. It looks like the last days was really a big Hell. But, when we have arrived there, some warriors come to us to welcome and thank us that we have been fighting in that Moldovia territory. Then those fine warriors have started to unpack the things from the cart such as supplies, weapons, Fernando and two injured people who were fighting over some scramble eggs in this morning. And we did not have participated at this inpack becuase we have some important things to do right now, such as discussing with the Generals about the things we have encountered on the battlefield on Moldovia.