Fiona is cooking

I arrived back at the camp while I was carrying two bags filled with meat which will be used for tonight's dinner. But, right when I have entered the tent of Cafeteria, I dropped those two bags with meat, and with my own two eyes I have seen something outrageous, or a punishment I do not deserve to own. Fiona, the best in fighting and worse in other things, is cooking tonight's dinner. I was so shocked by this, I have almost screamed in terror, but I try to hold my scream because if she finds out I detest her and I found the dinner she is preparing is disgusting, I will most likely get a sword right between my ass cheeks.

"Um. Fiona." I say to her while I approach with those meat bags.

"Oh, Judah. You have come. And also at a great time, because tonight we will do other meals." she says to me while she put something weird in the pot with the soup.

"W-What happened to the Chef?"

"Chef? He has left the kitchen because he cannot take it anymore." she responds to Fiona to my question, then she takes a look at the bags there and then she takes from there a duck and she looks so careful at her. "Do you know how you can throw these duck feathers?"

"You have to tear up. That is what Diana told me one time when we prepared the goose meat to be sold at the Butcher." I replied to her who had no idea how to pluck up those feathers after I have explained to her.

Fiona decided to take the dead goose head, she strangles the poor duck head and with one single pull, the goose head just detached from the duck head and some blood is throwing around the kitchen. After Fiona did this thing, she takes a look at that duck head, and then she throws it into the pot with the soup.

"The secret ingredient to this soup is duck head."

"HELL NO!" I thought to myself when she said that thing like she did a masterpiece, but instead, she just made a huge mistake, much bigger than the nobles are doing every day.

"Judah." she says to me. "Pass me that salt." she points at a table who is having a huge bowl filled with salt which was probably used for fishes or other things that go well with salt.

I pass that huge bowl to slat to Fiona, and she just casually thrown half of that huge bowl into the soup. I was about to yell at her, but then she turns around and asks me to find some carrots, which are in the tent next to the Cafeteria, but she told me to go fast, so I decided to go at a normal speed because I do not want to look at this catastrophe Fiona is going to serve those knights.


When I have arrived at that tent, there was already someone in there, and that person was Chef Antonio, who is sitting on a wine-cask and he is drinking some wine from that barrel with one huge mug which is people using to drink the yellow alcoholic substance, red alcoholic drink or brown alcoholic and medical drink. When the Chef saw me there, he looks at me quite weird and asks me.

"Come here, boy! I wanna show you something!"

"No thanks." I replied to him, I have to search for something.

"Oh really? What exactly?" says the chef who is getting off from that barrel filled with red substance and he is putting the mug somewhere else on the shelf of this tent.

"A carrot... Have you found one here?" I say while I bend over and search for some crates from there.

"Well, boy... I have one right here." he says while he is grabbing my ass with his two hairy bare hands and start liking my pants. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed while he does that.

"Your ass it is fine, boy." he says to me, and then he starts to slowly take off my pants.

"HEEEEEELP! HELP ME!! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" I screamed while he is continuing to take off my pants.

"Do not scream, boy. This will be over fast." he says while he is laughing after he throws my pants away. "Not. Let's start liking this fine ass."

At that moment, I thought I started to feel something squishy and wet entering my butthole, and it was the tongue of that Chef. I have continued to scream while he was still licking my ass, but after a few seconds, somebody has answered my call, and the person who has come, it was the General and also Fiona, and those two were utterly disgusted by this. Fiona has taken that fat Chef away from her, she has punched his stomach, then she has headbutted him, and after that, she applied an uppercut to him. But, when the chef has laid down on the ground, Fiona has started to hit him, with her powerful and Vewolf transformed legs, the genitals of that predator. The General has let my knight do that beating, and he took me from this tent, guiding me to the Infirmary tent and there he left me into one bed.

When I was laid on the bed, a wizard nurse comes to me and she decided to heal me and use a spell to make me forget about that dude who ave rapped me, and he was licking my ass... But this spell doesn't work right now. It will affect me in a few days. Anyway, this is a good opportunity to dodge Fiona's cooking.


Later on, the night, while I was laying on the bed and still shaking about the things I have gone through earlier, someone has appeared at the Infirmary door, it was Fiona who hasn't brought me the dinner, but she told me something important.

"You remember those soldiers we have sent into the Turkey Empire?"

"Yes. What happened?" I asked her because this thing is probably about them.

"Well... They have successfully captured the Empire. The battle is over, Judah."

"D-Does that mean we can go back to our homes?"

"Yes! We can go back. But, tomorrow we will leave. Right now, we will have a feast to commemorate the victory of those fine and strong warriors who have realized this thing. And also, the General has sent the Chef back on the Kingdom, but he will stay on Jail for some good time."

"Great... Now. When we are going back to our camp, what are we going to do?"

"Same thing we did every day before we have joined the war, we will live our lives and do our jobs as knights and squires."

"I-I see."

"Hey! Do you want some leftovers from my dinner, they have remained plenty of them."

"Um... Sorry but I cant."

"Why? Aren't you hungry?"

"No. I am not hungry." I lied to her because I am very hungry, but eating Fiona's food is the last thing I wanted to before we will be about to depart from this war and go back to our homes and do the normal jobs we have joined in.

"Alright... Take care."

"Thanks!" I replied after she left my tent and after she did that, I breathed a sigh of relief because I have dodged a poison there.

Right, when Fiona has left, I was about to sleep, but then, someone enters the tent again, and the person who has entered the tent was no one other than the man who has taught me in these three peaceful weeks about Vampire spell and also about other spells from my book.

"Hello! I am... I apologize for what was happening, you see, Chef Antonio it is a bad man."

"It sure is." I replied to my teacher, who has taken from his large coat a big spellbook, and then he puts that giant book on the table next to me. "This one book belonged to your mother... But now... It belongs to you, Judah Judas."

And this surprise was something I did not have expected. Today I hunt with Fiona after along time, I assist Fiona at cooking an abomination, I got raped, send to an Infirmary, win the battle between Romania and Turkey Empire, and also I got a big book from my Teacher who was also my mother teacher. This day was really a weird one and full of surprises.