Fighting Squad Perspective, Part 12

Close, very close to the Turkey empire, the army of Moldovia and also a few Romanian knights are stopping in front of the great walls of the Empire and they are looking angry at those walls because they are made by a great material, and also there are a few hundreds of enemy fighters and imperial warriors, who are waiting to try and destroy the enemy, but destroying the enemy will not be such an easy job if we talk about Roger, who has served for a noble family as an assassin. And he had to do hard tasks like killing important people or just peasants who haven't done any criminal thing, but the nobles ordered him to do it because they hate when they see peasants in their eyes and they want them gone. Also, not every fight Roger has ever participated was won by him, but by also his targets, and one of those guys was Big Gus and Fiona, they were the most fearsome people of Kingdom of Romania by that time, now five most powerful knights are protecting the King and also the entire kingdom.

The Moldovian army is just standing on their positions and looking at the enemy army, which they are also standing on their exact positions. Both of them are waiting for a command or they wanted to attack them, but they cannot do it because not everyone is willing to risk his entire life just to take them down into the Realm of Fire or named as the Land of Deads, the places where dead people go when they die or they do horrible things.

The two royal armies that come from different regions, stand a few hundred meters apart and prepare to attack each other with swords, axes, magic wands or even bare hands. Roger is here through but he is not even from the royal army of Moldovan fighters, he is not from Moldova, but he decided to come to this war because he does not want to sit idle in that camp and wait to attack. The truth about Romania's army is that the army wants to stay there only if the Turkish army somehow manages to advance.

"What is the decision, captain?" asks one soldier his captain after they arrived there three minutes ago.

"We will stay still and wait for their attack." responds the captain to the one knight who has asked the question.

"And I think the attack is coming, captain." says one soldier who is seeing on the night sky something with fire who is coming straight at them. "FIREBALLS! GET DOWN!"

Every knight of the Moldovian army, saw a few fireballs coming to them and all of them are starting to run away to search hideout, but searching hideout in a land where there is nothing who can protect you from a giant fireball it is not an easy task, but this army got a few wizards who have immediately activated their shields spells, which every mage and wizards have as a passive ability. But the problem with these passive abilities is the fact that you have to train them to become actually good, and the shield spells of those knights are not that good, not even combined. So, the entire army of Moldovian are running away from the radius where those giant fireballs are going to land, and Roger is not running away, he decides to run in front of that army with his giant sword and wearing a metal armour which could protect him from poisonous arrows.

One Moldovian knight saw Roger who is running into the enemy territory, and he decides to run after him because a knight needs a mage or wizards which can heal him if he gets hurt, and the mage who is coming after Roger is one who could use health magic. The mage name is Murdoc, and that guy is the only wizard in the entire Moldovian Army who is the youngest and one of the strongest mage in the entire natal Kingdom.

A few enemy soldiers are trying to shoot arrows to Rogers, charging with shields and weapons into him, or throwing spells to him, but he successfully dodged a few spells, and also got a few arrows in his armour but this was not stopping him. A few enemies tried to duel him in a swordfight but they instantly got put to sleep after a few swings. The first enemy who was challenging Roger to a sword fight got their limbs put down and also their weapons destroyed. Two warriors decide to jump on his back after he destroyed another enemy, but Murdoc has got Roger back, and launched a few giant rocks into those enemy backs and made them fall. The rocks have penetrated their throats which has made them die instantly and fall.

Roger took a look on his back and saw Murdoc who was aiming his wand to those enemies, and the mage did a smirk when their eyes have met. Murdoc saw another enemy who was throwing a fireball to him, and Mudroc, who was thinking fast, launched a shield spell to Roger, but this one has not successfully been good, because when the fireball and the shield sphere have interacted the sphere and the fireball have exploded and that has made Roger fall on his back, while enemy waves are coming to him to put him out of his misery.

Murdoc is quickly launching a few spells into those enemy waves and stop a few. While he was launching those spells to the enemies he was quickly running to Roger and using his healing spell to try and heal the wounds he got from that explosion. When he arrived there, he saw him quite in a bad shape, so he is starting to heal his wounds, and while he was doing that, the enemies have continued to run to them. "There is no end to this army? Does everyone from this city is in the army?" thought Murdoc to himself.

But their soldiers and knights have not given up, they have come in help of Murdoc and they have decided to try and attack these enemies and let Murdoc perform this healing spells to Roger. While Roger and Murdoc army was fighting against the rest of Turkish soldiers, Roger has opened his eyes and saw Myurdoc who was trying to heal his wounds who were all over his body.

"W-What happened?"

"You got thrown by the explosion of the shield and fireball." says Murdoc who is using his both hands to throw a green-ray all over of Roger body. "But don't worry, you will not be dead. Not on my watch."

"T-Thank you." says roger to Murdoc, and then he looks at his war teammates who are fighting against the enemy army.

A few of Moldovian fighters have successfully destroyed half of those soldiers who have remained without breaking a sweat. So much blood, breaking bones and also destroyed weapons have been laid down. A few Moldovian knights have fallen after they got hit by poisonous arrows in the head and other got hit by arrows, but by normal arrows, but some mages and wizards couldn't save them because healing a wound who was made by an arrow could be easily healed, as Judah does sometimes. Healing a wound needs high training and a big quantity of mana in your body, and not everybody has an enormous quantity of mana as Judah and also the power of remembering everything he reads in the books.

After a few minutes of fighting, the enemy army is entering back in their Capital, and the remaining soldiers of the Moldovian have been ordered by their Captain to advance and destroy the gates of the Capital, but right they were about to advance something has made the earth start grumbling and great some sort of big sounds waves. The thing who was coming to them was something which is called the secret weapon of Turkish Empire, and that secret weapon is something not every kingdom has ever seen in a long time, a giant fighter who is immune to magic.

All of the Moldovian Royal Knights and Roger are scared when they saw a giant humanoid who was coming from a dense forest and carrying on his hands a giant mace who could even destroy an entire army with one single swing. In the night, the entire army has not truly seen the face of that giant, but the giant was about to launch his first swing into them. And right when he was about to do that the entire army has started to run away from the Empire, and also Roger, who has started to feel much better is running with the Moldovian army from the Empire walls because that giant thing would destroy all of them.

When the army has run away from the Giant, he has already landed his mace on the terrain and create an earthquake who has made the entire army fall on their knees and also make the Empire start to vibrate from that earthquake and a few of the civilians there have woken up by that earthquake and they got panicked for a while.


On the Turn of the Royal Palace, where the Empire is standing there and watching at the fight he is starting to laugh at his greatest strategy it has. Using a Giant who was held captive by generations because he could destroy the entire world was the best secret, and only, weapons he has ever have in this Empire. While the Emperor was looking at the Moldovian army, who was retreating from his front, he saw on the streets of the Empire is guiding a few civilians or peasants who were running away from their places and screaming. The Emperor did not care much about them anyway, all he wanted is to see the enemy kingdom down and he also wants those civilians money and the power of guiding this entire Empire.

The Emperor was staying in his room and looking at the window, but he did not observe that on his Book of the Future, was automatically written on a blank page something important and also who will in favor of the Turkish Empire. While the book was writing about the most important thing, someone else was in the Emperor in that room, and that person who was there is a beautiful and innocent lady from the Emperor Harem who is used to make a child who will be used if the Emperor will suffer disease and needs a child organs, or when he will die, one of his child will take his place on the throne. That innocent lady saw the book was writing something on a blank page by using magic and she decided to take a look there and saw that the Giant would face seven warriors who will fight him and the results will not in anyone favour. The beautiful and innocent lady saw the Emperor was so captivated at the battlefield, she has decided to rip the page of that book and throw it out of the window, the one which is located on the opposite side of the Emperor, also which was guided by the wind in the Emperium, at a noble house who was outside and looking around to see what was the mess that they have to awaken them from their beautiful night sleep.

That piece of paper who contained vital information has been watched by a young nobleman - a man in his twenties who is wearing nice clothes and covered in a light armour - who has started to read quickly the entire information. Then, his father comes to him and he asks his son about the page he got into his hands.

"What is that son?" asks with some sort of Russian accent.

"Something about a Giant man who is fighting six warriors and who are also being defeated." says the young man who is sending that piece of paper to his father who is analysing quickly and then he looks at his Buttler who was also outside but at his back: "Tell my assassins to be ready."

"Why sir?" asks the Buttler.

"We are going to free the Empire for that nasty family."

"Very well, sir." says the Buttler who is already running into the house and he is going on the third floor to wake up all of those nine assassins which will give them an important mission.