Secret Building - Part 3

Every single orc stood there, shocked, and terrified by Fiona Lundberg swing of her giant sword. I leave my hideout and proceed to shoot a fireball to one orc who was looking at me. That fireball hit the orc and set him on fire. He runs into the closest river to use water against the water, but Fiona quickly took a small dagger and throw it to that Orc who was running into the water. The Orc got hit into the back of his head and fell at a few small rabbit steps from the nearest small pond of water.

The other Orcs were about to jump at us, with their weapons ready to slash us. But Fiona and I have counter-attacked by using our beloved weapons. I opened my magic book and tell a spell which is stunning almost every Orc who was close to attack me. Two of them, who weren't stunned by my spell, have jumped with their axes on me, but thankfully, I used a clone spell named "Clone-Doi" and this spell created a clone of mine, and made me invisible for a short period of time. The Orc hit my clone, and it disappears into a gray smoke. The Orcs were astonished by this, which made them forget that Fiona was at their back, and she used her big sword to impale those bastard's chests. After she impaled their bodies, she kicked them out of her sword, and let them to the ground, draining their last breath before they will be brought to the world of dead.

I became visible in front of Fiona and I told her.

"I am fine."

"Good." she responded, feeling glad that I actually survived (She forgot that I can do this spell since she never saw me doing it in the first place).

The Orcs who were stunned a few seconds ago, have come back to their senses, and then, Fiona has lunged against those Orcs and proceed to fight them by using her giant sword, while I accompany her by using the spell "Invincible!". This spell has made Fiona being unstoppable and extremely violent towards those Orcs. She didn't spare anyone. She killed every single Orc in this area.

After we finished there, Fiona and I are heading to the cave, to see what is there. When we got a first look we noticed that this cave didn't have enough light, so I take out my wand and use a light spell, to create a source of light, which will help us see while we are walking down the cave, hoping that we will find something important here, like gold, clothes or weapons which will be sent back to their owners.


We walk for about two minutes into this cave, and the only thing we saw there, were a few skeletons which are resembling animals or semi-humans since some of them had horns to their heads (which indicates human-horses or normal horse) or three holes for eyes (which is probably the one of a human-tyran, a human who can use his third eye to read people minds or to move objects without any hands). We thought that there will be nothing into this cave, but then we saw it, on a desk, a few pieces of parchments, put there in no order or not even packed by a rope, there were put there like it was something like a rush going on. Fiona considered these documents useless, but I didn't consider them this way. I took a look at them, then read those documents by using my wand.

"Key to became Immortal: Orc's Chapter" I read the title of a parchment with a loud voice to Fiona, and then read the next one. "Weapon Changing Alchemy - Chapter One out of Nine". I proceed to read the next one. "Vewolf Transformation Chapter."

"My Goodness." says Fiona after she heard about Vewolf word. "How did they put their hands on this one?"

"It is classified or very rare?"

"Both, kid... These bastards must've tried to use a blood of a vewolf." she says, looking around to see what any other documents related to vewolf are there, but there weren't anyone besides the one I found it. "And transform themselves into vewolf."

"Does Orcs are able to became Vewolf?"

"I don't know. All I know that humans are the only race able to became ve wolfs."

"But they will not be anymore."

"...My thoughts exactly." says Fiona, giving up on searching other parchments who contain information like the one I read earlier to her. "Let's continue searching. After that, we will have to take out these documents and bring it to the nearest library of this area. They will pay us good money if we do that and probably put a good word to villagers of this area since most of the people here are writers and wizards, mages or sorcerer."

"Sounds good. And then, we will go to that building?"

"Of course." says Fiona to me and we both continue to explore this cave to see if we discover something new here.

We stayed there for a while, searching for an important thing, but we only found out weapons which can be sold at the blacksmith and a treasure with a small quantity of gold coins. Fiona took the coins from that treasure, and put it into a few small bags with coins. Only three bags got filled with these gold coins, and she put those gold coins into my backpack. And, when we finished with taking two weapons from there to send it to the nearest blacksmith and sell this information, together with these weapons we brought with us, to that blacksmith. Fiona told me we will sell to the nearest blacksmith because it doesn't matter if that blacksmith will give a small price, gold coins are gold coins for her family.


Later this day, Fiona and I arrived in the front of a watchtower. That watchtower it is the one I was searching since Emily and Big Gus told me about this building which is the one that it belongs to my family. Fiona looked at me, she sees me being a little nervous and asks me to be sure.

"Are you felling alright?"

"Yes... I think." I responded to her after I clean my sweat from the forehead. "Let's do this."

I and Fiona sees the door of this watchtower, it is locked. Before Fiona was close to break it with her sword (as a force of habit since our last missions, Fiona used her brute strength), I quickly take out my key Emily gave it to me a few days when we met into the center of Dobrat to search for a gift for someone special. I put the key into the hole and the door opens. I pushed the door and in front of my face, I do see only black and parchments on the floor. Furthermore, I took out one of those parchments and I read that title with a loud voice to Fiona.

"Curse of Family Gremory and how it can be levitated."