Gathering sword pieces

Three days later, Fiona with me, we are going to the guild I find out a few days ago by following Fiona, Animal Assassins Secret Guild. A place created by the king himself in order to protect himself and use it to slay the assassins of the noble families with bad intentions. But, before we were about to enter this place, we had to put our masks on... Our animal masks.

Fiona put her animal masks which represents a vewolf (How original), and mine represents a Vulture. I am not complain, but it seems quite weird and funny at the same time because I mostly use this spell to scout enemies or people who are trying to assassinate a few people, robbers, illegal hunters and noble assassins who are doing things much worse than the ones they are doing it. We enter this abandoned building, which is the guild that it is very hidden by the noble families with bad intentions and other citizens who hate the new king. There are some of them who are feeling the same way as those nobles.

After we entered the guild, we got greeted by a hunter who is differently built and has a different body color. The hunter it is a huge man with black skin, has his hair in a weird style, which Fiona knows as the name of "Dreadlocks". He wears light clothes because he likes to show up his body, and he is wearing metal gloves almost every time I see him. The man name it is Ulfred, and he comes from a very far land from our kingdom. One time, he told Fiona, which told me one time when I asked her about members of this guild, that he comes from Desert lands, and the city name he came from it is Turkani. I don't know much about this place. I didn't even found it on a map, nor I heard on a novel I read it from.

Ulfred greeted us like a citizen with manner and asked us.

"Are you free, right now?"

"We are." says Fiona for the two of us. "Do you have a business with us?"

"I require some help... In finding three sword pieces which were scattered around this city."

"You mean in Dobrat?" I asked him.

"Yes. I fought a noble assassin who was close to killing me, but I successfully defeated him... But... um... My sword got broken when he counterattacked by using a giant mallet made by iron. But I put him to the ground forever with my gloves."

"A mallet?" I asked those two warriors. "What is that weapon?"

"It is a giant hammer." responded Fiona. "But that is weird, your sword couldn't be broken that easily, by a simple mallet."

"That wasn't a simple mallet." says Ulfred. "It had a dark aura on him."

"Oh. So it was applied a spell to this hammer." says Fiona, and then she looks at me to confirm her theory. "It is true, right?"

"Indeed." I responded. "There are spells who can amplify weapons power and even make them invincible. And I also used a spell to your sword one time when we fought those orcs, when you didn't pay attention."

"Wait, you did?" she asked Fiona. "What spell was it?"

"The armor break it. I instantly break the armor of the enemy if you hit it. Almost every type of armor. I have tested that spell a lot with Diana when we were going to the hunt."

"Are you two going to help me?" asks Ulfred after Fiona and I continued to talk about that spell I used on her for thirty more seconds.

"Yes." we both responded almost at the same time.

"I will use my "Vulture" and asks him if he can find some broken sword pieces." I said to Ulfred after we both left the guild and take out our masks because we do not want to attract attention to our secret guild, or a secret organization.

I launched my "Vulture" spell on the sky. When the bird leaves my wand, it came to my left arm. She sits there, and asks me in human language what I need it. I asked Ulfred if he has his sword at him, he showed it to me, and then I showed the bird what he ahs to search. The bird shakes his head in sign of approval, and starts flying on the high sky. All three of us are looking at the bird who is flying on the sky and disappear into the sky and fly past the huge buildings.

"How long it will take?" asks Ulfred looking at the sky.

"Probably a few minutes." I said to him. "It will be faster if the sword pieces would've been on the same place... They are, right?"

"I don't think so." replied Ulfred. "When I clashed with that warrior, he smash his mallet so hard into my sword, it made the sword pieces flies everywhere. I just hope they didn't hit anyone."

A few moments later, my bird came back and told to all three of us the locations of the pieces of that sword he found it. One piece, it is located on the rooftop of a house located near the Misu's Tavern. He said that the second one was launched on the area where people are renting carriages. And the last one piece, it is located at the Kingdom Palace. The bird came back into my wand, and then I put the wand, back to my belt.

"We are going to scatter around?" asks Fiona to Ulfred.

"Yes. I will take the one at the Kingdom Palace." says Ulfred to both of us.

"I will take the one from the carriages, and Judah is taking the one to the rooftop of that building." she says, looking at me. "You think you can do it?"

"What? Taking a sword piece? Like a walk in a hill." I said to Fiona, which didn't laugh at my joke, but Ulfred smiled just to show support at that joke.

Anyway, all three of us are going into separate directions by using the walking procedure, since we couldn't take any horse, nor rent a carriage to help us travel to that place. I could've used my magic to summon "Thunder" spell, but last time, didn't work that well with that weapon we had to found and retrieve to the old man. So, I put my magic back, and walk to Misu's Tavern. Thank goodness I know where this location it is, even after almost a year.