One sword piece - Part 3

A few moments later, I have arrived in front of the secret guild. I was about to enter it, but then, a girl voice from behind stopped me. The voice was telling me, "Hello!". I've turned around, and there was someone I didn't expect to see it. It is Olive, and it looks like, she wears a neat armor and a pair of googles because she has that fuzzy thing at her eyes which it doesn't make her see straight and see everything different. I have observed that disease when I asked her if she can read the thing Dylan (an orphan who is now a worker at a Tavern for about three years, nice guy with guys, but shy with ladies). She said something totally different from what it was writing, and this made feel weird, like: "How is she not able to read that thing correctly?". But thankfully, I discovered in a novel that there is a disease which it makes you see to be bad, and it can be cured with glasses. Once I tried magic in secret to her, but... it made it worse for a month.

Olive was looking happy, she is dressed like a true squire, has her female armor polished and a sheath with a sword on her back, adn also a belt with two daggers. She looks like a true knight, but in reality, she is still a squire, but still, I am surprised to see her like this.

"Olive?" I asked her, while I was surprised to see her into this day, but at a very bad moment since we are so close to the secret hideout of the guild I recently joined.

We both walk to each other, we hugged like good friends, and then we started to talk about general things.

"You are going on your first mission?"

"Yes." she responded to me feel a little to excited, and she jumps around. "I! Can't! wait!"

"Calm down, Olive." I tried to tell her, but she didn't listen, until I took out my wand. "Don't make me to transform you into a frog."

"What? You can transform objects into frog?"

"I tried on a mouse? I think I can on humans." I said this while I aimed my wand at her, but she uses her left hand to touch the wand, and aimed to the right.

"Don't you dare."

"Okay." I replied to her and put my wand back. "So... You want to go somewhere until your knight will come?"

"No. It says it will be here." she replied Olive taking from her backpack a parchment file which was probably delivered by a pigeon, judging by the size of the parchment. "By the time when the sun will be about to go on a sunset."

I take a look at the sun, and it looks like it is about to go on a sunset. Then, I look at Olive, who was putting her parchment back into her backpack.

"Congratulations." I said to her.

"Thank you." she replied to me. "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I-I am..."

Then I did realize I couldn't tell her about these pieces of sword, which were scattered into the town. This would've put a danger on our mission and guild. And by mission, I mean the king mission to eradicate a few noble families. The bad ones, and surprisingly, there are good ones which are in a good relationship with King Julius. So, instead of telling her the truth, I have decided to made something up.

"I am o-on a mission, to investigate a building. There are some rumors about thieves who are stealing parchments from Dobrat Library."

"By yourself?" she asked me.

"Not exactly." I responded to her and took out my wand, then I summon a vulture and whispers in his ear to fly around this town. He didn't question this action, which was good, and he did, as my command, fly around the Capital, but I didn't specify to him how many times. He came back after a few seconds and told me an unexpected thing.

"There is a carriage not far from here on fire and a man is trapped in there."

"Oh my gosh." says Olive, looking scared at me. "That bird can talk?"

"Thank you." I replied to the bird. "Where is the carriage?"

"On the area were wands and book spells are getting sold at a cheap price."

"I understand." I replied to the bird and made her go back into the wand, then, I ran to the direction where my precious "Vulture" indicated the location of that fire, Olive has decided to follow me because she wanted to do something useful until her knight will come to the meeting point.


Three minutes later, Olive and I have arrived to the location, and there we saw the carriage being on fire, and a man trapped in there. We could see that the man was trying his best to escape that fire and trap, but he couldn't do anything, but there was also something weird here besides that carriage. There were people, who only stared at that carriage. They stood still, didn't move at all, and didn't even tried to look at anyone.

I quickly took out my wand, aimed to that carriage and shot a small wave of water to that carriage. When they did make the contact, the fire has started to lose its spark, and disappears. Then, Olive goes to that carriage and tries by herself to lift it, but she couldn't do it by herself. Before she was about to call for help for somebody else, I took out my wand and aimed to Olive, then I shot the spell named "Feel Invincible". that spell hit her body, and she was able to lift that carriage by herself without a sweat. She looked at the carriage who raised by her left hand, then she looked at me surprised, back at the carriage almost burned, adn then back at me.

"You make me stronger?!" she asks me.

"Yes, but it will be a good idea to put that carriage down before you will hurt somebody." I told her, and she put the carriage to the paved road.

After she did that thing, I quickly run to the man who was blocked there. I see that his body is almost burned out to death, and he has a lot of holes around his chest area, but luckily I can heal his wounds and burning zones. But this will consume most of my mana. I put both of my hands at the chest area and begin to cast "Heal" spell. Olive was looking curiously at me at how I am healing this due and praying for the man health.

After I finished the chest area with holes, I have begun to heal the burning marks all around his body. A lot of people gathered closed to us to see what is going on, but Olive, was the courageous one to make those people go back a bit. I continued to heal this man, until there were no remaining burning marks. It took a few minutes, but I did it, I have successfully cured this man.

Then, the man opened his eyes, he saw my and Olive faces... He then looked shocked at us, and he asks us.

"A-Am I dead?"

"No, sir." responded Olive to the man, while I put my wand back to the belt. "You are alive thanks to this man. Judah."

"Judah, you say?" he asked this man, looking at me. "You. Young lad. I am going to remember this action for the rest of my life. Also, I would like to know your family name?"

"My family name is Gremory, sir."

"Gremory... Never heard of them before, and I am in this capital for a bout two years. But nice to meet you Gremory." he raised his hand which was healed by my powers of healing. "I am Yorick Jing."

"Y-Yorick Jing?" I stutter when I did hear his name. "A-Are you the author of "Nights of Knights, and Days of Squires?"? Are you truly him?"

"... A man cannot be sold to some gold coins..." he quoted a dialogue of this story to me.

"a pair of smile faces are enough to my soul." I continued that quote he said earlier.