Capturing Garnet - Part 6


On the battlefield, where the fight between two members of Animal Assassin guild and a few knights hired by Yugara family in order to stop the "kidnappers" who thought their "precious" daughter. Fiona is standing on the grounds where she fought furiously twenty guards by using her only sword, and Liza is joining her with her bow on the back, right with the capsule she puts her arrow there.

"It was a good fight." says Fiona, sweating and breathing heavily. "I almost forgot how hard it is to fight without Judah."

"You did well." praise Liza. "No wonder the guild master wanted to take you in the guild after he heard about your fights."

"I fought well, but I still let a few runs, in order to send the message to the enemy."

"Aren't you worried they are going to know you?" asks Liza, taking her mas off after she looked around to see if they are truly alone.

"Don't worry." says Fiona, taking her wolf mask off, and she looks at Liza. "I think they do know they are fighting against the Royal family. No one will be suicidal enough to try and kill a noble cannibal family."

"How do you know they are cannibal?!" asks Liza surprised at Fiona response.

"It is simple, Liza. This noble family has a traitor, and that traitor it is Garnet."

"The girl we actually caught?!" says Liza, being surprised.

"Yes. All of this it is just a plan to keep the girl away in order to restore Yugara family and make it a clean family for our kingdom future. This is a weird plan coming from King Julius, but I do find a flaw in his logic. Besides, she had about twenty-nine brothers and twelve sisters if my source it isn't wrong, and all of them besides her are gone. Completely gone in that noble family belly... King Julius it is a man of surprise, but if you spent your time to know him, you will realize he has a DIFFERENT point of view than the other King's who once ruled this amazing land and made it into a worse kingdom."

Then, these girls are looking at the corpses who are lying on the grounds, they cannot see much due to the night, but thanks to the full moon, Fiona and Liza were able to see a few of those corpses bleeding and staying still, completely breathtaking. Fiona is going to the cart, and when she jumped on it, she says to Liza.

"We have to go to the Guild and spread the news that Garnet has officially left Yugara area."

"But what will happen if they found her?" asks Liza, who is going into the cart.

"Have you forgot about Taka and Ulfred? The daughter of Yugara Big Father, it is safe. Besides, there is Judah who is going to accompany her."

Fiona hits the horse who is going to drive this carriage, she hits him with a whip and the horse proceed to run to the Capital, where Fiona and Luiza are going to prepare for the fight who's about to come at any moment.


Meanwhile, on the house with a green roof, at the end of the village Bran, Ulfred and Taka are staying in their beds, everyone having one bed in a room. It seems awkward, but for them, who fought a bunch of times in wars (as Ulfred mentioned once) and they were used to sharing beds. Wile I am going to sleep with the girl who it is hostage, or was because she is not terrified by us, she seems happy that we have save her from her Father and the cursed family.

"Are sleeping?" asks Garnet while I was trying to sleep in this new environment.

"Not now." I respond to her. "You cannot sleep well?"

"I am scared by the monsters." says the girl with a scared tone, I get up and goes closer to her.

"What monster are you scared?"

"The one under bed who is going to drag and kill me for being a naughty girl."

"What? Who told you this?"

"My father." replies Garnet who made me to take a look under the bed, and then I look at her.

"Would you like to turn on the light?"

"Wouldn't this kept you awake?" asks Garnet, feeling concerned.

"Don't worry." I replied to her, I proceed to take the lamp and ignite it. "When I was living in the Orphanage, I had a lot of friends who were afraid to sleep with the lights on."

"Are you an orphan?"

"Yes..." I replied with a tone not very happy.

"I am sorry."

We both decided to drop this conversation and get to the sleep. I turned my back to the light, and faced the wall. Then, I started to close my eyes, and proceed to do a breathing technique which will help me sleep faster. I could use magic, but I let my wand at house, and the staff might make the sleeping magic be so powerful, that I might sleep for more than one night, maybe two or three. I inhale the air on this room, then, I exhale it after 40 times I count all of my ten fingers. It was hard, but this technique has made me sleep very well.


A few minutes earlier, back in the kitchen...

"We are going to what?" asks Ulfred feeling surprised.

"We have to get new identities." says Taka to Ulfred, and then she looks at me. "In order to blend with the people here, we have to play a role-play game, until the times will become good again... Judah, you are going to be called Rudolf German. You are an orphan boy from the Kingdom of Bulgaria."

"Alright." I responded to Taka.

"Ulfred it is going to be named Tim German, and I am going to be Rita German. Both of us are a married couple for three years."

"Why are we a married couple?" asks Ulfred surprised.

"Because they will most likely not believe we are brothers, or that you are going to be a royal family from Brit King servant."

"Alright... Whatever." say Ulfred feeling already annoyed.

"Remember that these identities are fake, and if we do try to reveal our secret to anyone -and I hope it will not happen- we have to take the nearest boat and relocate outside this big land. This noble families are probably able to hire bounty hunters from other kingdoms to works for them."