Cleaning the house - Part 2

I stood at the table, hearing all the details about the confrontation between Ulfred and the third assassin or retriever who came last night while I was sleeping. I am feeling guilty of not going there and helping him in the fight, but he told me that everything went too well, and is feeling skeptical about how Garnet was telling them that those assassins aren't so powerful as he thought they are. But I also told him that he shouldn't believe all of them are weak.

"Anyway, kid, what you have done it is risky, ok? Also,using your magic to help others it is good, but you have to be careful how to use it, okay?"

"Okay, but I have got to tell you, my magic can only heal injuries and disease, it doesn't work on poison or missing limbs." I tell him. "So I am not able to resurrect people from the death."

"So your healing magic it is not that powerful. No wonder because of your age and all, but it is still a good thing that you are able to do such as spells as a young age."

"Thanks. I got to ask you, where is the third assassin?"

"Is outside, but don't worry, the corpse it is all turned to ashes. I personally stayed there until the whole corpse got turned to ashes."

"Oh..." I look at Ulfred and I see he has a patch on the leg. "Are you hurt?"

"Ah, yes." he says looking at the leg, and managing to put on the table, then he points at it. "Do ya' think you can heal it?"

I put my right hand on the wound, release my "Heal" spell into the wound of Ulfred and in a matter of seconds, I topped the spell, took out the bandage from his leg and I see the wound disappear from the leg. It looked like new or like it never happened.

"There." I told him.

"Wow." he says looking at his leg. "Amazing. You know, I have got to say to you, your healing spell are remarkable. Not any wizard or mage at your age is able to handle a spell who can cure these wounds so easily."


A few moments later, we talked more about the incident that was happening last night, and about the people I cured. Ulfred still didn't liked that I was outside this house without my disguise, but he is thankful that I was not followed nor told anyone about my name. I also told him about the thing these villagers have done to the body of the second assassin, and this made him feeling better because the village will not think they are murders for killing someone "innocent".


Later this day, Taka and Garnet were waking up, and joined us in the discussion. I explained to them what was happening this morning, and both of them are looking at me, with disappointment that I wasn't doing their thing. But when I told them that I was curing some villagers from Bran, they were looking at me with those eyes. Taka was telling me that I was doing was no good, plus, she suggested I should've asked these folk's money for the treatment I have administrated to them, but how I can charge someone with a missing leg, dirty clothes and smelling like he didn't take a bath since birth. Sure baths weren't common in many regions, but in Dobrat, people from there are bathing in common baths, those who can afford it, or in the rivers, peasants most likely, including I, Diana, Fiona, Ron, Gregonson (even though he works for a noble) and Li.

Garnet was cooking today, our breakfast. She made a nice-looking soup with cow meat they bought yesterday when I was in the bedroom, laying on my bed, cause of the injures I suffered from the fight of the first assassin. While we were eating the breakfast, Taka has decided to talk.

"So, we managed to defeat three assassins so far."

"That is correct." responds Garnet to Taka. "These three were actually easier to be defeated than I thought, I think their training didn't prepare them for my battle skill."

"Or mine." I say.

"Or my muscles and sword." says Ulfred raising the big sword with his giant gloves at the table, and making Taka looking furiously at him, which made him to drop the sword immediately.

"Hey, Garnet. Who taught you this battle skill?" I asked her.

"Oh. Um. It was my dear mother," she says looking at the soup sad. "My dear mother hide and teach me how to use the skill I got it from her. It was a long and hard training since back then I was able to keep the time frozen for three seconds, then making him slowing down for the next... Ten seconds I think. Nowadays, I can stop time for almost ten seconds, that is the time until my nose bleed gets developed.". Garnet takes a bite from the soup with cow meat, and she is looking at me, curios. "In your case, who was it?"

"My battle skill got send it, by my own father," I said to her. "He transferred that skill later he was about to die."

"Oh,God." she says to me feeling sorry for asking that question. "I-I didn't know. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, it was not your fault." I say to her while I took a bite from the soup. "The cannibals are the one who did it. I swear, if I ever caught the one who ordered the things I heard they were doing to my parents, I will kill him so brutally, that the whole squad of cannibals will be fearing me." I say that sentence with such a dark tome, that it made Ulfred and Garnet looking kinda scared at me, only Taka was feeling not so surprised.

After we finished the dinner, all four of us are going outside this house, on the garden, and when we got there, we see that the ashes of the third assassin are there. Then, we all are heading to the small cabin of the garden, and from there we are taking some tools such as rake and shovels and start cleaning the garden. And first, we are starting with the hole with the ashes where the third assassin was burned.