Fourth Retriever - Part 3

Vidraru, being at a close distance to me, he is grabbing my head, and with a smile with an aggressive look, he tells me this thing.

"Poor choice of words, fella."

He was about to strike a blow to me with his staff. I would've been killed at that moment, if it wasn't for Taka who tackled the assassin, pinned him down. I quickly raise up, look at Taka, which is probably her original form, is beating the assassin with her bare hands. I see the crystal close to me, but before I would be able to reach it, the pain which is inflicting my back. I am crawling to the crystal with the strength I've got, but before I would be able to reach it, the staff of Vidraru struck my hand.

The scream gets out of my body, agonizing pain struck me. I look at Vidraru, who is smiling and was about to use his staff on me, but, with the last moments I've got, I aim my wand from the other hand on me and say the dangerous spell I can do it at this moment. The spell I was doing it is "So No Chi sadame". The spell struck my head and in the next seconds, I lost my consciousness.


Judah Vampire P.O.V.

I wake up after a long slumber I have taken into this small boy body. As I got up, I was greeted by an assassin who stabbed with a knife on my stomach. I took the knife from the stomach and threw it down. The, I look at the assassin and jumped on him. I take a bite from his body and drained some blood from him, then I threw him at the wall.

The attacker raises from the floor, he aims a crystal to me, and he says the word: "Conceal!". A ray of light comes from the crystal, into my direction. I immediately dodged that ray with ease, and I jumped back to that assassin who used his staff to repeatedly hit my head and stomach, but these hits were pointless. I decided to use my fingers and struck a hole into hat assassin who attacked me and the boy out of nowhere.

I managed to make a hole into that assassin, and as quickly I was about to draw the fingers from there, I look at him, bleeding and laying on the floor.

"Who are you?" asks the assassin.

"I am the nightmare." I say while I am taking the other knife from the back and drop it on the floor, then, I am putting my hand on the wound, and it is healing, making that cut non-existent.

The assassin is trying to crawl his way out. I was about to strike him down, but a ray of light is cutting my way from killing a that evil person. I decided to only look at the assassin and smile while he is crawling out of this Tavern. I did not want to go after him because where he is going, there is enough light to kill me, and make this boy fall into an eternal sleep.

I look around and there I saw a young girl, with a dark skin tone. I walk to her, and close to her, I saw a crystal. He looks like the one who was aiming at me, but it missed me. I take the crystal in my hands, and I look at it, curiously. I have never encountered such a thing in my entire life since Thor, the firs Gremory, has made the pact with my soul of vampire. I let the crystal on the hands of the girl there, and I look at the place where the assassin was it, now it is empty.

"Oh... So he escaped..." I look around me and I saw a few people on that Tavern gathering there to see what is going on. I also encounter the owner of the tavern who opened the door, fearing that he might be the next target. "Sorry for the disturbance of the owner of this body... and his friends."

"W-Who are you?" asks the owner to me.

"Me? I am just a vampire spirit stuck into this family. The small man I possess is the one who just saved you from that assassin."

"Why couldn't you just go after him?" asks a villager feeling irritated.

"I cannot because I am vampire. If I try to walk into the sunlight, this body will be turning to ashes. And the boy will die with me."

I look at the body, and I see that my vision goes blurry. This is a sign that my transformation will vanish. I am looking at the people there, and I tell them with my last moments I've got.

"The boy will be coming back to reality. I want all of you to treat the wounds there."

"How can we do that?" asks the Owner of the Tavern.

"Potions." says a lady in her mid 30s. "I've got three bottles of potions."

"Great. Heal the boy, the girl to the floor," I point at the body of an adult woman who is probably a strong friend of Judah Gremory. "Heal her, and the other girl," I point at the small girl who is laying on the floor.

"I understand." says the lady to me while I vanish.

I then look at the people there, I shook my head, and in the next moment, I disappeared back into the boy body, where I am sleeping until he will summon me again.

"I guess this time when smoothly." I told to myself while I am heading into the dark part of this body.


Judah Gremory POV

I wake up, and there are people surrounding me. All of them are looking shocked at me. Before I was able to say anything, a lady which is looking quite old, she is looking at me, and she tells me with a worried look.

"Are you the kid?"

"The kid?" I ask the lady. "Um. Where is the assassin?"

"He fled away."

"Dammit." I say as I got up, and I notice that the areas where I got stabbed and attacked were gone. "Wow. Did you cure me?" I ask the lady.

"N-No. I didn't do it."

"I see. Wait. In which direction did he run?"

Some people from there are shaking their heads in disapproval. And I immediately dropped the hope that I will be able to attack the fourth assassin or the retriever. Anyway, I am heading to the Garnet and Taka, who are deeply hurt and used my remaining mana I've still got to heal the wounds and internal injures.