Legron, the Strigoi Slayer

After we have got to our temporary home, we are all looking at Ulfred injures. I decided to use all of my mana I had to cure his injures he obtain from the fight earlier. I used all of my mana to help him recover, and this... come with a cost. After I did that, I have fall into a deep sleep and wake up after three days, on my room, feeling energize and ready for anything to face me. But as soon as I wake up, Taka entered my room, holding a book for me.

"Oh, you are back. Started to worry that you have truly died."

"I am fine." I say to her, not knowing exactly what I should say to a warrior like her which is lacking sometimes emotions and doesn't show many emotions to us. "What is that book?"

"Fiona has sent it to you, while you were sleeping."

"Thank you." I say to her and I take the book.

"What is there?" asks Taka looking at me.

"It my family book. It contains all the records. And, it will probably show something that I am looking for."


At the moment I was about to check the first pages, I look at Taka, who seems curios. I decided to put the book on the other side of the bed. And I look at Garnet bed, where she is laying there, sleeping. I look back at Taka, and I ask her.

"Could we discuss on the kitchen?"

"Sure." says Taka.

I and with Taka leave my room, and we are heading to the kitchen. As we walk there, I could hear Ulfred eating, which was quite loud because he sips from the soup of vegetables. As we got there, Ulfred greeted me with a "Good morning!" and thanked me for healing him. I and Taka sits on the table and I proceed to tell them the thing Thomas told me when he was fighting Ulfred.

Taka was carefully listening at all the thing I was said, Ulfred was surprised that he doesn't remember that Thomas was talking to me at that m,oemnt. And I got to be honest, when you were unconsciousness, what you can hear?

"I see." says Taka to us. "So, the assassin wasn't what it seems to be."

"Technically, these assassins seems way too softer than I expected." says Ulfred at the table. "All of them weren't so big threat to us."

"That I can agree." says Taka. "It was probably thanks to Judah and his dream visions."

"Yes..." I said to them feeling quite awkward. "But, these dream visions are never one hundred percentage true, it just shows a way on how the thing it will happen and ends..."

"You did good, little man." says Ulfred to me. "And also, we have only two more assassins to defeat?"

"Three." I tell him because there is still Vidraru who is probably still alive. "Garnet said there are Kata and a guy named Luc. And Vidraru, who is probably waiting for a certain time to attack us again."

"What if the vision about him showed you the time he will attack us again?" asks Taka looking at me. "I remember the vision told you about a room where we were all three of us trapped and in a house on fire."

"I think we will be fine." says Ulfred. "If it shows only you three in the house, that was most likely happening at the Tavern. But to be sure, I will stay on guard and prepared for anything."

I get up from the table after we discuss a few more minutes about our next strategy and what we should do on the next days until the war between the kingdom versus noble Yugara family will be over, and head towards to my room. As soon as I opened the door, I head to my bed and I took the big book for my family. I opened the book and I proceed to search for a page where it shows one of the adventures of my grandparents or any records of the Henedoara village.

After a few moments, I found a thing I was looking for, an attack on the Henedoara village, where there were involved an army of Strigoi who were trying to eat everybody, and they were way too strong for the warriors established there. Seems like the one who done it is known as Legron, and it is actually the brother of Kino, who is the father of Maya, my dead mother.

On the book, it only states that Legron is characterized "a lonely sword fighter, who dedicated his thirty years to living on this world by fighting strigoi, eliminating all kinds of these creatures. Not for money, nor for glory, only to achieve peace on this kingdom. It was hard at that time to fight Strigoi, because there weren't many powerful warriors, and Legron was the only powerful warrior at that time, so powerful that one time he defend the kingdom from an attack from Giants, he slayed thirty of them, while the rest of three were surrendering and spared their life by Legron."

It also states "Legron wasn't very fond of being social and thinking of making a family. He got ladies coming to him, but he dedicated all of his life by fighting the creatures called "Strigoi". He managed to eradicate them from Kingdom of Romania, thanks with other warriors help on his way." It doesn't show any records of the warriors who helped him on this quest. But it shows on a page, the lists of the villages he freed from strigoi creatures, and it also reveals the village Henedoara.

So, what Thomas said it is somehow true. He probably got it wrong in the part with great grandpa since he is three years older than Kino as it shows in the details of him here. I continue to look on the book for more details, but after three minutes of searching, I didn't found anything useful. I close the book, put it on my desk, and I leave the room where Garnet continues to sleep peacefully.