Filler Chapter: Strategy Time

A few days earlier, back into the Kingdom of Romania, at the Palace located on the capital Dobrat, in the Throne room, King Julius is sitting on his throne. He looks at the door after he heard some knocking coming to him. King Julius, said in a loud voice.

"Come in!"

The bid royal doors open. Three people are entering the throne room, all dressed in armors and carrying weapons on their back or their sheath. The guards against the room were about to go at them to confiscate their weapons, but King Julius raised his hand to sign"Stop" and he looks at the three people who have come on this throne room.

The first man who has come at the King throne room it is the owner of the first guild built in the Kingdom by Bulgarian Kingdom alliance to help them in fighting the three humans-demon families who are hiding on this kingdom. The man is the leader of Animal Assassins guild, and his name it is Mr. Rubert. The second man there it is Amadeus, the first out of then strongest warriors the Kingdom of Romania posses, and the third person there it is a man who wears hoodie and with a big cross draw on his hoodie.

"Your highness," says Amadeus kneeling before his King Julius. "Our troops are prepared to assault the location. We have prepared eight dragons, forty the strongest knights we've had at the moment and nine healers to help us on this mission."

"Good job, Amadeus." says King Julius leaving his throne and approaching the three warriors. "And, the little girl who fled from Yugara family?" he looks at Mr. Rubert. "Do you got any information."

"They've told me via messages that they are fighting against seven retrievers." responds Mr. Rubert to the King Julius. "They said they've managed to put down a few of them, and they got anything under control."

"Did you check to be sure it was written by them?"

"With magic. Yes." responds Mr. Rubert raising his hand glowing a blue light.

"Good." says King Julius, and he looks at the hooded man. "Did you manage to find the locations of the other two families?"

"Unfortunately, I couldn't find it right now. My seekers were searching through the entire Kingdom, but no result." says the hooded man in a dying voice, even though he is alive and healthy.

"Don't worry." says King Julius to the hooded man, and he looks at the three people present there. "The defense of this kingdom in case some assassins from the families will invade the Palace?"

"We've got nine warriors." says Amadeus who is still kneeling to the king. "Nine strongest warriors who are able to defend their King with their life."

"I understand." says King Julius walking to the window of the Throne room. "I am afraid of the Kingdom future, warriors, leaders and priests. One day, I am afraid that the human race will fall, and we will not be able to become the kind we were once... I feel a great war coming against humans and so forgotten demons race coming, and this war, will not be like any war this country had ever fought. We have to be prepared and eliminate the semi-demons as soon as we can." he looks at the three people there. "Do you think all of you will be able to stop the demon race rebirth?"

"It will be hard, your Majesty," says Amadeus. "But, we will rise any time we fall, and we will fight until our last breath will disappear into the air."

The King looks at the window, and he tells the three people.

"You can head out now. I approve the fighting."

"Goodbye, your Highness!" says all the three people at the same time, and they head out from the Throne room, closing the door behind them.


A few moments later, outside the Palace, at the stairs, Fiona, Mario and with other three knights are staying there, waiting for the guild leader to leave the tower and come to them. While they are waiting for the Leader of the Animal assassin Guild to come outside, Fiona is cleaning her armor from the blood she earned from a fight against a few goblins who were trying to steal from the Kingdom bank's gold. She is wearing a shirt who is having a few holes on it, which indicates her shirt was worn for many years and wasn't changed in a while.

"Hey, Fiona." says Mario, and this made Fiona to look at him.

"Yeah, Mario?" asks Fiona.

"Do you ever feel guilty for killing creatures?"

"Why should I do it? They were criminals in the first place, and you know it." she say it like that because these two were sent to kill those goblins.

"Yes, but... They were kids."

"Kids or not, a criminal it is a criminal." says a knight to Mario. "And you should be grateful you put them down because otherwise, would've become a big problem in the future, only God of the Future knows what these monsters were capable of doing in the future."

"...Okay..." says Mario feeling awful that he got schooled for showing remorse on killing a criminal who was still a child.

In a few moments, those three people who entered the palace are going to the knights. They look at the knights, who immediately proceed to line them, all except Fiona who was still cleaning her armor from the goblin's blood, but the three people didn't care about her, they only looked at the knights and the leader of the Guild told them (who is the one leading this mission).

"The King have given us permission to attack and leave nobody alive! Be prepared, we will be leaving in a few minutes!"

"Yeah!" says a few knights rising their swords.

The three people left the knights, and they are heading to the guild base, which is functioning as a tavern, and the guild thing is hidden by the knights, peasants, nobles, the priests and any other members except the members who were chosen by the King Julius to join in. But Fiona, remains on these stairs with Mario, who is waiting for her to clean the armor, so they will go to the carriages where it will be transporting to the action.