Filler Chapter: Fiona and Marcus - Part 1


Three years ago, as Fiona left the Royal Palace with a bag of coins, together with her teacher, Big Gus. Both of them are feeling exhausted because of the last mission they've got recently, which consisted into finding three escaped inmates and bringing them back. And they did all of this just for a small rise on their salary, 50 gold coins. Back then, you would get salary each three weeks, but now, it comes to two weeks, which is a massive difference.

As they got to the streets of the palace, the one who aren't as good as the ones from other kingdoms, Big Gus, is looking at Fiona, and he looks at her.

"We did a good job, eh?"

"Yeah." says Fiona with her sword on the sheath on the left side.

"Alright. You did a good job today. Bye, and take care."

"Thanks. Take care, Big Gus."

Fiona and with Big Gus apart away, they are going to their houses. Big Gus goes on the street to the north, and Fiona is heading to the east. As Fiona walks to the street who leads her to her house. Well, the owner of the house at that time was only Diana because Fiona was still way too young to own a house.

As Fiona took a left turn, and walk three meters, she sees a boy leaving a house. That boy looked weird, like, he wore at that time only armor, dirty armor with dust and scratches. The young man at the age of Fiona passes her, and not noticing her. Fiona noticed him, and as she watches him for a moment, she felt odd at that time. A feeling she never had ever encountered in her life. But Marcus, wasn't noticing her, he was only focussing on his walk.


In the present, Fiona and with Marcus, are having one biggest battle they have ever encountered. Both of them, having no way to run away from there, they are going to fight this thing. Fiona is grabbing her giant sword, which the demon, looks at it, and he laughs.

"You've got a big sword there. But my weapon is bigger."

The demon takes the fork from his body and he hold it with his right arm. The fork is about three meters long and with this, Marcus and Fiona are feeling intimidated, but they didn't even think to show it to the demon.

Marcus is looking at the demon, he takes a breath, he yells, and he straight up attack the demon while he is holding his two axes he kept for a long period of time, and he is his signature as a warrior. When Marcus approached the demon, he was about to get stabbed by the giant fork, but he used his axes as a shield to block the fork. This did made the demon impressed, but he quickly takes his fork and does some quick attacks on the Marcus. He dodges the attacks with no problems by sliding into the left, sometimes sliding to the right, and a few times he jumped back.

Fiona also charges at the demon, with her sword aimed at the creature. She stabbed the demon foot, but this had no effect on the tall creature from the other world. The demon looked at her, he kicks the woman, and he sends her a few meters back, on the floor, landing on a table. Fiona has broken the table with her.

Marcus takes Fiona sword from the demon foot, he threw it to her, and he stabs the foot of the demon with his axes, he let them there, and he jumped back as the demon was trying to stab again with his giant fork. Marcus slaps both of his hands and his hands shows a blue light. He charged to the demon foot, he takes the axes from the foot and puts both of his hands into the zone where the cut were shows. He stuck both of his hands into those two cuts, and he yells while his blue light is going through the demon blood and veins.

The demon let a scream on the air. The demon then, kicks the Marcus from the foot with the one Marcus was using to put his blue fire into the demon. His axes are left on the floor while he flies, and he struck the wall with his back. Marcus's fall on the floor with his butt.

Fiona gets from that table she broke it with the armor she wore, but that doesn't matter, what matters now is the demon who is looking very angry Fiona as she takes the sword from the floor, and she charges at the demon. When Fiona got close to the demon, she does quick attacks on it with the sword, and with the Vewolf arm she transformed at the moment her sword wasn't able to strike the chest of the demon.

The fight between Fiona and the Demon is intense because both of them are moving at fast speeds. All are able to block each other attacks with their weapons or dodge it.

After three minutes of intense fighting, Fiona got a hard hit from the demon, who sent her flying, close to the corpses of the Three warriors who are struck on the walls. Fiona looks at these warriors, and, she sees one of them, still breathing. It could be seen because he was still moving a little. Fiona takes a look at Marcus, who gets up, from the floor. Marcus takes a look at Fiona. Then, Fiona pointed with her look at the bodies who are at the wall of the building. Marcus didn't look there, he looked at Fiona, he only nodded in approval, and he looked at the demon who is touching the wound Marcus has made to him.

"What have you done, mortal?"

"I have put the blue blood which represents Gods of Wars." he walks to his axes, he gets all of them from the floor, and he tense, the tattoos turn brown, a color that Fiona has never seen before, a color that made the demon interested in the qualities of that warrior named Marcus.

The Demon takes his fork, he rises into the ceiling, breaking it, and he says this sentence, which summons a few skeletons from their ground.

"Ossa ab imis terrae. Surge et pugna pro daemone tuo nunc!"

Only twelve skeletons, all armed with swords are coming from the floor and are running to Marcus and Fiona, prepared to cut them and kill them with any way they can do it.