
I wake up a few moments later, in a dark room. The only thing I see is a small lamp that barely lights a cold room. I raised up on my feet, looked around, but I did not see anything, all the things I saw there were only darkness, two barrels, a few dirty blankets who weren't washed probably one decade ago. I also spot Fiona in the room, she leans with her back to the wall, she sits on a chair that is about to break anytime.

"Judah." says Fiona. "You awake."

"Yeah..." I tell Fiona who is coming at me, and she looks at the injury of my face I have from that hot spit the Thornosian Boss have given it to my face. "It looks bad?"

"I can heal you." say Fiona to me, by taking a health bottle from the barrel and puts it on my face.

"W-Where did you get tha-" I say to Fiona, but then I stop and yells because this potion it hurts my face.

Then, all of a sudden, the face of Fiona worried has become a sadistic reaction, demanding more pain from me. She throws all the liquid of that potion on my face, making me yell out of pain. When she threw all of the ;liquid on my face, she uses the empty glass to smash my face, sending me to eternal sleep.


I wake up again, in the same room as last time. I woke up sweating bullets and breathing heavily. But, I do not remember what was happening or what I was dreaming. All I remember it is a great pain inflicted on my face. But, before I was about to say anything else, I see Fiona's approaching me, feeling tired and in a bad state for walking.

"Judah. You awake."

"F-Fiona?" I say to her, feeling pain inside me. "W-What happened?"

"Thornosian Father threw his hot lava saliva on your face." she says approaching me. "Looks like the wound is starting to heal it, thanks to the saliva of Vewolf. He also kicked and punched you." she takes one step back, she looks sad at me. "I'm sorry I was not able to help you, but we have to let our real identity hidden from these monsters, until the time will come."

"And when it will be?" I ask her.

"In a month. If in a month we will not be able to get all the information, we have to start on the action, and try to assassinate them."

"But. How?"

"That is the good question..." she says looking around the room. "We do not have any kind of weapons to help us in this case. Especially, the relics one who are said to be the ones who will most likely kill these creatures."


"The weapons the ten strongest warriors of our kingdom posses. Well, only a few of them are having those."

"I understand." I say to Fiona. I try to raise up, but my whole body starts hurting me. "Argh..."

"Judah..." she says approaching me. "You should stay still. The damage that brute inflicted into you was a strong one."

I took Fiona's advice and I lay down on the ground. While I was about to close my eyes, I look at Fiona, siting on that chair and looking at me. I was able to grasp the looks of a human being worried and afraid of what it might be coming next.

Thankfully, nothing bad happened on this night, so we both slept peacefully for until the small boy of the family came to our room, and throw wooden plates at us, demanding food because he is hungry.

I almost said something very nasty to him, but I remember I am not the boy outside this place, I am the slave inside this doom. I raise up, took the plate that small kid threw at me, and I head to the kitchen. While I was walking I observed the room was empty, maybe Fiona left earlier than me and got sent to do chores like cleaning, peeling food and cleaning the garden.

The kid was following me, looking angrily at me and throwing tantrums left and right. This made me almost jump on him and beat him with my magic spells I've got memorized into my head, but I try to control it the urge, and it was successful. If it wasn't for this mission to reveal the secrets, we would've already put this demonic families' into the ground.