Demons against Humans - Part 3

I launched the blue flare into the sky. As the flare was flying high into the sky, the people all around the party were questioning about this, wondering if this is a part of this supposed party. The person have been looking at the sky, noticing too late a few hundreds of knights and warriors charging at them with the intent to kill them.

The first knights who entered the property are the ones that belong to Terri. The units have slain fifteen people who were about to transform into the small fry demons. The unit managed to murder them successfully since these demons are considered low tier and can be destroyed easily with any type of weapons instead of relics weapons who were made specifically to kill big demons.

Terri, who is the commander of his hundred men, he joins the fight, he sends five demons flying. Because of this, five wizards are throwing explosive and deadly spell to them, killing them after they landed.

The units of knights were trying to enter through the gates, but some of them decided to break the fences by force and go into the property. But some were not only breaking the fences, others were shooting handmade cannons to the building, like Ulric, who is casually using his two-meter cannon he carries with him all the time. He managed to destroy the barn where a few cowardly demons were trying to hide.

I looked down and see a lot of knights, murdering the hundreds of demons who were trying their best to hold their ground, but this would be impossible because hundreds against a thousand it is not a fair fight to them. And by that I mean the enemies. They will never be able to defeat this big army of warriors.

I saw a familiar face, approaching me, and when I looked back, the person who was there it is someone I did not expect to come here. It is Derek, and this man, holds the head of a demon in his left hand.

"Seems like someone found you and was trying to kill you."

"Thank you, Derek." I say to him feeling grateful. "But why have you come here?"

"To tell you something important."

"Can't wait until this battle will be over?"

"It is about the rival family who has thrown this curse for generation on yours. I have found a person related to that family, who will be able to help you."

"Really?" I ask Derek. "Have you found one person who can help me lift the curse?!"

"Yes. And that person might be close." say Derek looking around. "We can search for it and try to lift the curse."

"We probably should search when the fight will be finished. I mean. They probably need our help."

"You think so?" asks Derek looking at the scenery down with me.

I looked down, and with my eyes I see the capabilities the strongest knights, assassins and warriors are capable of doing when they are put together on a mission like this. Down there I can spot all of the demons massacred, and putting Big Thornosian Father on the corner, shedding his human skin and revealing his true identity.

"You humans! How you managed to get here?!" yelled Thornosian Demon Form at the knights.

"We had our resources." says Emma, my aunt, to that Demon, as she steps forward, holding her staff.

The Demon is looking terrified at Emma.

I could have stayed longer to see the fight, but Derek told me to come with him and search for the person from the other family who might help me destroy this curse our family were struck from past generations. When the curse will be lifted, I can live a normal and long life, also making my future generation life much better.


Thornosian Demon has shed his human skin, now revealing his red demon skin, with lots of weird tattoos all over his body, long tail with a blade at the top, yellow eyes and a breath with black smoke. Thornosian is looking angrily at the other knights who are doing three step forwards from the hundreds of the knights who backed away.

The knights who have stepped in front are the people who posses Relics weapons. And those people are Roger, Emily and Ulfred. These three people are the ones who are the only ones able to kill the Thornosian Demon because of their Relics. But, they will be not alone. The strongest ten knights of Kingdom of Romania are going to do the first steps.

As Thornosian Father starts to grow larger, a few units of the knights backed away, because of fear. Most of the knights there are beginner at all of this, not an elite or more powerful than the other ten, or the assassin who have come to help them.

A cannon shot hits the four meters tall of demon in the face, piercing his huge skull. The shot was so powerful it made a hole next to his right eye. The person who was able to do this shot was none other than Ulric, who is staying at almost fife a hundred meters away from the demon, laughing at the shoot he managed to do.

"That bastard did not see it coming." says Ulric.

And when the shoot was done, the other knights have started their attack. Amadeus with Terri are cutting the huge demon legs with their strongest swords they possess. With the legs cuts, the demon would lose one meter of tall, and he would fall down. As these two people managed to cut the legs of the huge demon, all of the knights are running to the left side, dodging the three meters fallen body of the huge demon. But before he was about to fell, the demon has quickly regenerated his feet back as they were seconds ago.

"What?" asks Terri and Amadeus at the same time, seeing the feet going back to their place.

The huge demon laughed, as his head injury was also regenerating a t a fast speed.

"You fools thought I am easily killed. You cannot defeat my regeneration!" yelled the demon with a grin on his face.

Daniela throws her spear at the demons, and that spear stabs the belly. The demon laughed at this, thinking one of the ten strongest knights would actually do this thing, rather than doing something far more complicated. But this woman, has thrown a spear, only to dodge the lighting spells of eighteen mages and wizards who are aiming at that spear.

A lighting spell can knock down a man. And as a general knowledge, at least twenty thousand or fifty thousand volts are enough to knock down a human. But in case of a demon, it will probably need to be a lot more than this. Probably ten times more. Bur considering a spell by the lighting type can hold almost thirty thousand voltage, and multiplied by eighteen wizards and mages who have thrown the spell, this would knock down the Demon. Lighting conducts electricity, and spear of Daniela is made out of metal and iron.

With all of the lightings thrown at him, the demon falls on his knees after he was levitating for at least five seconds, and moving like somebody who got struck by lighting in cartoons or in real life. The demon then falls on his knees and as he fell, Emily uses the second staff, to pin the Demon down, and by that, she uses ice to block the monster hands and legs to the ground. This would give her enough time to use the relic weapon.

With all of the blocking made, Emily uses her relic weapon on the head of the demon, who was still trying to recover. Emily staff is known as Staff of Demons, only weapon available for wizards to absorb the demons powers and demons souls (in case somebody eat demons souls, like now). As Emily was absorbing the powers of the Thornosian of Demons, the other two warriors were prepared to murder the target. Emily was able to take all of the demons this beast has eaten, and with all of their souls, kept into the staff, she runs away from there, letting Roger and Ulfred finishing this huge thing.

"Let's end this, friend." says Ulfred holding the hand of his weird sword who is crafting out of nowhere.

"D'accord." says Roger with is sword who is able to make him teleport.

Roger throws his sword into the air, as the sword flew enough in the air, he got teleported there, and with force, he came crushing at a high speed of the head of the demon. While Ulfred, he somehow makes his sword huge, and cuts the demon eyes and tongue, to stop him from talking and see.

Roger lands on the head of that thing, but he goes through the hard skull, brains, and stops when the sword hit the dirt. The demon head was cut in a half vertically way. Then, as a precaution measure, Roger and Ulfred proceed to cut the neck of that monster and the other side of the head, the one attached to the shoulders, just to make sure the thing has been totally wiped out.

When the carnage was over, the knights echoed a victory scream, and some of them are invading the house of that demon. Pillaging the demons hiding in there and the people who decided to cooperate with this thing, freeing prisoners from a hidden cell floor (not the one where Judah and Fiona have freed the remaining group) and murdering the remaining of Thornosian family. None of them escaped this massacre. They have killed everybody in that house.

"W-We did it..." says Timmy as he gets carried by a knight to the nearest carriage who will transport him and the other prisoners to the Kingdom, where the specialized medical wizards will help them be back on their feet.


Outside the house where Thoronosian once lived and blend with the nobles, on a small area of the forest, I, Judah Gremory, I am coming face to face with a relative of the rival family. A family who has cursed us for generations. What I see, is something I have not expected.