When The Hunter Turns into the Prey 7

Upon seeing the man's outstand expression, Aka let go of a soft chuckle and said-

"It's because I see the evil in you"

"You're just like those criminals and psychos who kill for nothing. You may have a grudge at the military but you lost your rein and turned into one. But let me tell you something, I maybe feral however I'm aware of it and I didn't let it to take over me. I still have the power to conceal it and I can constantly restrain it, that's the greatest difference I and you have"

Many had proclaimed that they aren't afraid but why does they tremble when they saw the death door? Aka wasn't the same at all.

For him, death is only his leeway

This man in front him was really skilled and strong despite his gruesome testimony, he is able to survive and escape it however he let the pain and the anger to change him. It maybe the said military who caused his misfortune but it's his self whom he lost the most. Self-distrust is the cause of his deterioration.

The world may take each and everyone's valuation however they must look upward or die. Everyone is the son of his own work as everyone is the architect of his own future.

If he didn't rivet in pure vengeance, he might haven't become this way and would have saved his life. But what's done is done, it's impossible to undo the damage that has been done. Aka wasn't a god or something to help this man and there's nothing we could do to ease the pain from the past, however there is a only thing that he can do.

That's to avenge this man will

It wasn't for pity nor for being a saint, but this man's case is something the military whom he had been in service for a long time now is involved. It wasn't also to meddle, but it's a matter he can't just easily let it slip when he already heard the story.

It's a story of demise. A story that involved the dearly infamous death.

And whoever was behind this was sure, enthralling.

Aka stepped backward away from the man who is catching his breath as the man's empty eyes is staring at the fake blue horizon.

He didn't expect that his time would completely come as he didn't even has taken his revenge yet. It was a real pity and a sure regret but it doesn't matter now. He is at the death door and at any minute his eyes will shut and he won't be able to open them once again. That's the sad reality.

But was he happy? Of course he was, when he dies, everything will be gone and he would be reunited with his team mates in a world without war and sadness anymore.

"Captain Reagan I think that's enough, you've done well" a familiar voice spoke coming from afar. When Aka turned around, he saw the Major Military coming himself with some medics and few soldiers.

The next scene stunned everyone,

Out of the blue Aka shot the man four times a row with the gun he confiscated earlier from him.

The Major General's face turned ashen with anger upon seeing what Aka had just done.

The man was dead!

"He was already done for so it's useless if you try reviving him. Let him pass away in peace" Aka stated in husk, as he eyed at the Major General with a glint of ridicule. Aka throw the gun at the field as he pick the terminator from the man's pocket and smash it into pieces.

Without saying anything, he walk past by the Major General and head back at the locker room.

"Sir….. what should we do….?" Asked the medics nervously. The Major General's countenance was bad as heck! He seemed furious!

"Go and still retrieve the body" the Major General said nearly losing his cool.

When Aka returned at the aquarium , the lady look fine and obediently stayed still but she appeared to be unconscious. The terminator was already broken so the water stopped and the blades was thrown on the floor.

Aka carefully carry the lady on his back as he came out from the room. When he arrived at outside, it was no longer the post apocalypse city, but it's the real empty field. He didn't bother with the awaiting medics, instead he strode forward and left the field untamed.


'It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishment the scroll,

I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul'
