Second Chance (2)

Twenty years had passed, but he still remembered perfectly, after all, the death toll was huge.

'Excluding me and Elijah, all of the newcomers had died.'

It wasn't only them, but Company Commander Darren and Division Commander James had also lost their lives.

'The goblins ambushed us near Abdin Town as we were traversing through a narrow gorge.'

From his memories he could remember that the scenery inside the gorge was beautiful, there were trees all over the place and there was a stream that flowed through the middle. It was filled with flowers and fauna everywhere and there were sloped hills on either side which became steeper the further you entered, the hills were covered in a thick jungle canopy.

That was where the goblins were hiding in ambush and the Leaf Troop that was moving carelessly, almost got swept up. This was also why he remembered it so vividly because after the battle the gorge looked like it had turned from heaven into hell.

'What should I do?'

'Tell the Troop Commander the truth that the goblins were hiding to ambush them?'

'It would be fortunate if he doesn't cut off my neck.'

There was no way they would listen to the words of a newcomer without any proof. No, in the first place he wouldn't even meet him.

'Should I tell Division Commander James?'

The Leaf Troop made up of 2,500 men which was lead by a Troop Commander, under him there were 5 Division Commanders who were each in charge of 500 men. Then those 500 men were further divided in 5 and each group were led by Company Commanders like Darren, and finally below them were 10 Squad commanders.

Rodgers had just become a Squad Commander for the new recruits and as August was just an ordinary spearman soldier, he would have to report to his direct superior Squad Commander Rodgers, who would then decide if he would report it, which was unlikely.

However seeing as Rodgers superiors Darren and James were here he could report it directly to them even though it would annoy Rodgers but that wasn't a good option. In his memories, he didn't really have a friendly character.

'Then, do I have to watch as the majority of the troop gets annihilated again?'

He couldn't do that as he didn't want to waste his second chance standing by and waiting for a solution to appear by itself. Then, August's face brightened up.

'Ah! There was that.'

The corner of his mouth slowly rose as he then looked at James as if he was waiting for something with eager eyes.

"Ah! Also….."

James, who was overlooking the troops sternly suddenly yelled with an expression as if he had remembered late.

"Is there someone that's familiar with the area around Abdin Town and the zone of Helia? Someone that lived for long in that area, or spent some time near there."

'This is it!'

August took a step forward and raised his right hand.

"I know it well, Sir."


James frowned.

'The guy who was being hit by Rodgers.'

Rodgers wasn't the type to get violent with rookies for no reason. Then that meant that this guy in front of him was a troublemaker.


The role of guide was certainly important. If he made a mistake, he could put everyone in danger.

"Do you really know the area around the zone of Helia?"

"Yes! I do. I can go from here, to Abdin Town with my eyes closed."


James frowned and looked at August.

'Well, the decision will be made by the warrant officer.'

He didn't keep thinking about it for too long, besides he wasn't the type to do so in the first place, Commander James was more of a do more and think less type of commander.

"Okay. What's your name?"

"I am August."

"Then pack your things immediately and follow me."

James started walking out of the barracks and looked at Commander Darren before saying.

"Darren. If you finish your preparations go to the drill ground with the guys."

"Yes. Understood."

Darren smiled as if telling him not to worry and saluted. James saluted back and then went outside.

August hurriedly followed behind him.

As they got out of the barracks, a familiar smell drifted to his nose.

'The smell of war. No, the smell of death.'

Ironware, bonfire, horses, sweat, soldiers and blood.

A smell that was a combination of many different things. It was the same smell that he lived with for the past twenty years until he got sick of it.

It was a disgusting smell, but somehow his heart became more comfortable.

'The more you get to like this smell, the closer you are to death.'

August smiled bitterly and shook his head.

At that time, James who was one step ahead of him asked bluntly.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from a small town in the west that's near the borders of the Randa mountain range."

"Randa mountain range….. It's a rough place."

James said while he continued walking.

'A guy from the Randa mountain range know's the zone of Helia well?'

He was feeling that he got deceived.

'Well, i'm not the one who will get punished.'

James smirked and looked forwards. A middle aged man was sat there looking at a big pile of documents.

"Warden Officer Rico."

James called out as he approached him and saluted. Although the Warrant Officers rank was technically below his as he didn't have the right to command any men, the middle aged man, Rico was one of the five aides in the Leaf troop who was in charge of guiding and they were also quite knowledgeable which is why they were tasked with advising the commanders.

'He already picked quite a few.'

James gaze moved next to Rico and he saw the other guides who were chosen from the other squads.

They already numbered more than 10.

"Oh. James."

Rico smiled brightly and greeted him with his chin as James fell to the side and pointed at August.

"There's also a guy in our squad that knows the area around Abdin Town and the zone of Helia."


Rico moved his sight and looked at August.

"It's the first time seeing him. Is he a newcomer?"

"Yes. He came yesterday."

"He looks like a little pretty boy. Hehe"

Rico smirked and looked at August up and down, while August internally shivered. He was pretty good looking as he had dark middle length hair and a nice shaped face but he was really skinny. He really wanted to scream.

'I like girls!'

However as he was new he didn't want to offend anyone. He didn't remember this Rico from his past life but he did hear that there was some officer who would ask for sexual favours in exchange for 'preferential treatment', when he was found out he had his head cut off.

"You know the area well?"


August replied without hesitating.

'Purely the number of battles in the area around Abdin Town that he had been involved in amounted to double figures. Never mind all the other times he had been here.'

Because of that, the surrounding are was really clear to his eyes. Rico nodded at his reply.

"Then I will ask you a simple question. What's the specialty product of Abdin Town?"

It was not a very difficult question.

"It's Barley."

"Then, the biggest village in the area of Abdin?"

"It's of course Gotto village followed by Shellot village, Moyse village, and Termun village."

August answered without stopping.

'All places where I had fought battles.'

August smiled whilst Rico nodded with a surprised expression.

"I didn't know that you would even know Termun village. It seems like you have indeed lived in this zone for quite some time. You are just perfect for a guide."

August didn't really talk about where he came from because that wasn't the important thing.

'I have to find the hidden goblins before they ambush us, I have to be one step ahead of them.'

He looked at the guides that were next to him.

'Because of these guys not doing their job properly, many people died.'

Of course, he knew well that the reason they couldn't discover the goblins was because they assumed that this zone was safe with no monsters at all.

So they also thought that there was no way that goblins would appear and did their job half heartedly.

'This time, I am here so I won't let that happen.'

August bit his lower lip.

"Take this. Don't lose it."

James gave him a spear and he nodded while accepting it, gripping the spear tightly.


A strong and heavy feeling.


His palms were excessively soft and smooth. The injuries and calluses he had gotten over the past twenty years had all disappeared.

'It really is starting again.'

He smiled bitterly.

"Then, I will take my leave."

James saluted Rico before he moved walking at a fixed pace to the drill ground.

August took in a deep breath while looking at James' back getting further away.

"Don't be too scared."

A soldier that was looking at him bumped his shoulder. He seemed to have misunderstood and thought that he was afraid.

"This much is nothing. Last year...…"

He then went on and started to brag about his tales of heroism for quite a while.

'I also have twenty years worth of tales.'

When he started to talk, the story had no end.

At that time, Rico put aside the pile of documents.

"I think that this many guides will be enough. Mason. As you have the most experience, lead the other guides."

At his words, the soldier that was talking without stop smiled brightly and nodded.

"Understood! Just leave it to me!"

He gave an exaggerated answer, with a look on his face that made you feel that you were not able to trust in him at all.

'This is why we got ambushed by the goblins.'

August frowned.

'It'll be a bit troublesome if the Leaf Troop gets annihilated.'

In his past life, after the Leaf Troop got annihilated by the ambush of the goblins, all of the surviving soldiers along with August got separated and were placed in other squads.

'But being the new guy in an already established squad wasn't that good because even if you pile your efforts, it gets taken by other guys, and no one would say a word for you as they would rather back their friends.'

And on top of that even after he had caught a lot of monsters, he got reprimanded for moving alone.

'I can't live like that in this life.'


He put strength in his hand.

"Well! We are also moving to the drill ground."

Mason's loud voice rang out as he moved one step ahead of them and started walking.

August followed behind back and took in a deep breath.

'This is the start.'

The moment his life starts again, his heart was beating faster while the adrenaline was pumping through his veins.


The wind that was blowing carried the smell of the battlefield.