First Battle (2)


August was nervous as the Goblin was coming towards him, If it was his body in the future he would have easily been able to dispatch the goblin, but his current body was slim and weak.

'No. There's not one but two? No. Three.'

August lowered his posture while still leaning on the tree, he had been using the spear for twenty years and he had quite a good comprehension of this weapon. Although it was not the weapon he had dreamed of wielding, he didn't get a choice as the majority of the soldiers of the Randall Kingdom were spearmen. One could only get a chance to choose their own weapon when they become an Officer.

The Spear was chosen because it was one of the easiest weapons to use, but don't look down on the spear as it is also the one of the most difficult weapons to defend against. Each Soldier was equipped with a Spear and a Short Sword.


The leaves were blown by the wind as the goblins nimbly moved through the forest, like they were honing in on him.

Chwee. Chwee.

The cries of the goblins got nearer as they were coming towards August.

Stealthily August slowly took out his short sword, it was an old and almost blunt short sword, however, it was sharp enough to complete it's job.


As August calmly lay in wait for them to approach him, he was listening to the crunching sound of twigs under the goblins feet to measure how far they were.


He quickly turned his body and then, he saw the goblin right in front of his eyes.


The goblin fell into a state of confusion when he saw August appearing Infront of him so suddenly, and August wasn't one who would let go of such an opportunity so he quickly stabbed out at the goblin.


The short sword was stabbed into the goblin's chest.


It made a final screech as the life left its body and it collapsed in a heap on the ground.

Chwee! Chwee!

The goblins that were behind got angered at the death of their companion and started screeching as they rushed at him.


August stepped back as he pulled the short sword out of the goblins chest and threw it.


The running goblins couldn't dodge it at the speed they were moving, so all they could do was roll forwards onto the floor.

August saw this as an ideal opportunity so he quickly rushed onto them and stabbed them with his spear.

The spear stabbed the head of both the goblins in quick succession and they died without being able to get off the floor.

Although he had disposed of three goblins in an instant the look on his face wasn't good.

'This is horrible.'

The palm of his hand hurt as the from the rough wood of the spear. Just because he moved his spear twice, the skin on his hands seemed to peel off.

On top of that, the thrusts didn't even have any strength behind it, so much so that he was finding it hard to accept that he had survived with such a weak body.

'I really became a complete novice.'

August smiled bitterly and picked up the items of the goblins, then he pulled out his short sword and said

"I'm sorry but I will have to take your necks."

His hand then moved at the same time, decapitating the goblins head.


The head of the goblins rolled in the floor and August didn't even change his expression as this scene was completely normal for him. He grabbed the head from the dirty and coarse hairs of the goblin, he needed it as proof

Drip. Drip.

Green blood flowed out from the neck as he picked it up when the leaves of the forest shook.


The wind hadn't picked up so the only thing that could have caused that was another group of goblins was coming.

'It's them!'

The other goblins were coming down to look for their comrades, as the much have heard them screeching when they saw me.

August quickly ran towards the exit of the gorge as fast as he could.

Chwee! Chwee!

Angry noises could be heard from the goblins from behind, however, it was impossible for them to chase him as he had already come out the gorge and entered the plains.

He could see the Troop in the distance, and he tried to shout that the goblins were here but they were quite far from him so his voice couldn't reach them so instead he instead waved the head in his hand while shouting.

"It's the goblins! Goblins are waiting in ambush!"

He shouted loudly but no one heard him, he was still too far away.


Mason, that was waiting for August to come, frowned when he saw him coming out of the gorge.

"Why is that bastard like that?"

It seemed like he was yelling something, but he couldn't hear him.

"And what is that thing he is holding?"

A thing that seemed to be like water melon.

"He seemed to have picked a fruit in the woods."

Another guide that was next to him said with a mocking voice.

Mason looked at him as if it was stupid, however, as August got closer, Mason's face froze because his yells were heard more clearly.

"It's the goblins! Goblin!"

It was only then that he realized that it wasn't a watermelon he was holding, but the head of a goblin.

Mason and the other guides looked at each other with dumbfounded faces.

'It's really a goblin? For a monster to appear in the zone of Helia! It had never happened until now!"

He shook his head like that while opening his eyes abruptly. This wasn't the time to be like this so he quickly turned around and ran to the Troop following from behind.


Shouting with all of his strength, his loud mouth finally came into good use.

At that time, Logan that was cautiously discussing with Rico yelled while his eyes lit up with interest.

"What?! Is that true!"

"It is! Look over there!"

Mason pointed at the gorge with his finger as everyone's sight moved over, only to see August who was running with his hair fluttering in the wind followed by a faint voice.

"It's a goblin. Goblins are waiting in ambush."

Logans's eyes became sharp.

"The thing in his hands is the head of the goblin."

His right hand extended to the skies.

"Troop hold. Battle formation."

At that moment, all of the officers yelled with all their strength.

"Troop hold! Battle formations!"

"Battle formations!"

The warrant officers also yelled as they each went to their respective squads, but Logan still looked at the gorge calmly in the middle of all the noise.



Rico who was nearby approached him.

Logan then pointed at August.

"Bring that soldier. I need to hear the story."


After Rico replied like that, he made eye signs to Mason.

"Yes! I will bring him!"

Mason replied nervously and moved his feet.

'Damn. Am I the only one that's going to get punished?'

His face showed a hint of nervousness, as he had made fun of the guy that said he was going to investigate.

He was completely confident that there weren't going to be any monsters nearby, but the guy he had made fun of appeared with the head of a goblin, which means he must have been sure that there were goblins nearby as he was so adamant, which means there were probably clues that he had failed to pick up.

As he thought of this Mason bit his lower lip.

'I need to coax him well so he doesn't say unnecessary stuff.'

His legs started moving faster as he was running towards August.


'Pant. Pant. Pant.'

August felt like dying as his chest was burning, he had ran with all his strength because he feared that the Leaf troop would enter the gorge, so his chest felt like exploding.

He wanted to rest a little after informing them that the goblins were waiting in ambush, but he didn't have the leisure to do so.

"Commander Logan is looking for you."

Mason grabbed August's wrist and started dragging him along so in the end, August's couldn't even take a breath properly before he got dragged towards Logan.

At that time, Mason whispered in a low voice.

"Forget everything I said to you back them. Understand? Actually, I also thought that there was a high chance for an ambush. So being thorough I sent you to the gorge to check. Huh? Right?"

August didn't even have the strength to talk back.

Mason got anxious as he saw that August wasn't showing any reactions.

"Are you listening to me? Huh? Answer me."

"Haah. Understood."

August managed to answer after taking a deep breath as he and nodded.

Only then did Mason shut his mouth feeling calm. The two of them then moved quickly and soon reached in front of Logan.

"Oh! Come here!"

Rico was exaggeratingly calling them over without any need to but August slightly ignored him as he saluted Logan.

"What was in the gorge?"

Without wasting time he abruptly got to the main issue.

"It's an army of goblins."

"The numbers?"

"There were at least a 2,500 in the side of the mountain I searched. And normally, thinking about when you ambush, you will have another others on the other side of the mountain. So thinking about it, it would be around 5,000."


Rico frowned as he heard that, wondering how the newcomer had got such a good count of the enemies.

The number of soldiers that the Leaf troop had in total was 2,500. It was exactly half of the goblin's army.

"Are you certain?"

"I am."

August replied unhindered because he had already experienced it in his past life, so hadn't actually needed to count them as he had seen the battle report many times so he already knew exactly how many there were. There wasn't even a tiny bit of mistake.

"Mmm. What a pain."

Logan shook his head, the number was a problem but the location they were hiding in was also a problem.

The goblin army had already taken over both sides of the mountains. If they were to charge into the gorge and attack they would be in a really vulnerable position as they were on lower ground.

That was when Rico interrupted with a suggestion.

"Wouldn't it be better to go round the gorge and go directly to Mansarh's plain? We will get 2 days late but we can evade an unnecessary fight."

Anyways, the objective of the Leaf troop was reuniting in Mansarh's plain with other Troops to subjugate some monsters together, and there was no need to confront the goblins here

August, who had heard that got surprised and yelled.

"We can't do that!"

He remembered the miserable and cruel past, and if they left then although it wouldn't happen to them it would happen to others.