First Battle (6)

While August was charging through the tidal wave of oncoming goblins, the goblin leader was cutting off the necks of various soldiers. It's strokes where so swift and precise that the soldiers stopped charging at him recklessly and instead surrounded him together.


A cry rang out from its mouth, so loud and chill inducing, that it even stole the vigor of the battle. And then, the goblin leader rushed out at the encirclement which had no chance of containing it and started killing again as the soldiers that were powerless to stop him started to fall back.

The goblin leader smiled mockingly at them when he saw them backing off.


Another cry came out of its mouth, this time it seemed to imply that that humans were a bunch of weaklings and weren't a match for him.

Seeing this one soldier who had fallen to the ground while retreating, furious at the goblin for having killed a dozen of his fellow soldiers and mocking them, struck out his sword at the goblin leader only for it to be deflected by the goblin leaders left machete, which left him wide open to the mercy of the goblin leader.


The pale faced soldier froze when he looked at the right machete being thrust towards him, it was so quick he didn't even have time to react or realise that he was going to die.


But then, a clashing sound woke him up from his trance and he was finally able to process that he nearly died.

And then a voice rang out from Infront of him.

"Fall back!"

The pale faced soldier who had fallen backwards to the ground as his body subconsciously moved to avoid the machete, scrambled to stand up and looked in front of him.

The owner of the voice was a spearman with a childish face.

It was August.


The soldier fell back in a hurry, almost running, relieved that he had survived.

He didn't even wonder why such a young soldier was there, nor did he question whether or not he could defeat the goblin, he just followed his calm and reassuring order to fall back, without question.

After some space was created for the showdown between August and the Goblin leader, he thrust his spear out while having an ecstatic grin on his face and said.

"It's been a while. Twenty years to be exact."


The goblin leader contorted his face and cried out. Although the goblin race was intelligent enough to build bases and set up ambushes, they even had their own primitive language, he was unable to understand the more complicated human language. He probably thought he was challenging him.

'Right. There's no way for you to understand or remember me.'

August smirked and moved forward, the tip of his spear was looking to pierce the chest of his opponent.


The goblin seeing this excitedly mocked him again as it swung it's dual blades savagely to fend off the spear.


'Kugh. His strength is certainly good, definitely stronger than me in my current body.'

August clenched his teeth as the force of that blow was transmitted through the spear into his arms almost causing him to drop his weapon.

If this fight was prolonged, it would not be a favourable fight for him.

'With my current state, I can only exchange a few blows head on.'

But even so, there was a reason he charged in so confidently.

'I will show you what a real deadly attack looks like.'

There were many spear skills in his memories, some of these were created by himself after continuously perfecting them in battle and some were taught to him by Elijah, however, he couldn't use them all as he needed a stronger and more flexible body to pull off some of those skills.

Nevertheless the strongest spear skill he could use at the moment was good enough to defeat this goblin leader.

'The three stances Elijah taught me.'

Elijah's spearmanship was taught by Mikael Kloff, and it was really a case of the student becoming the master as he surpassed his teacher in spearmanship.

The moves he taught me were modified slightly by Elijah since August couldn't use mana, but they were still very powerful.

'I only have one opportunity, I won't get a second chance as I won't be able to perform this move twice in a row.'

Thinking about the state of his palms, the strength of his grip and his physical strength, he could only execute this stance once.

'I have to look for the perfect opportunity.'

August's spear shook and sliced out into the air.


The goblin leader showed an annoyed expression at the spear that was attacking him without stop

Although these attacks wouldn't be fatal to it, they would still cause injury so it had to dodge, but August's footwork was so good that whenever it tried to attack back it would be impossible as he was always in the goblins blindspot.

The goblin leader raised it's dual blades high in anger wanting to cut the spear in half, but it's body was exposed in that instant.


August gripped the spear harder with his feet firmly planted in the ground and forcefully pulled back his spear.

The pain in his palms as his skin was peeling off was excruciating, however, August's movements didn't falter.


The spear that was pulled back to his waist, stabbed into the body of the goblin leader.


It got momentarily perplexed, but he snorted and quickly struck down with his blades.


Right before the two blade's clashed with the spear


The stiff spear bent like a snake and at that moment, like a dragon leaping towards the sky, the spear changed direction.


The spear passed by the two bladess and pierced into the neck of the goblin.


The goblin leader opened it's eyes wide at the spear that had turned in an impossible angle and was currently sticking out of it's neck.

August pulled out his spear and goblin leader crumpled on to the ground dead, but before he could celebrate he inhaled a sharp breath and let go of the spear.


A painful

He looked down at his palms.

A mess.

His skin was peeled off and blood flowed.

His limp palms couldn't stand the fierce and strong spear skills of Pierce.

'It's really a mess.'

Of course, in his past life, he couldn't execute it more than 5 times consecutively.

No, even doing it 5 times made his entire body hurt.

It was a skill that was hard for your body, but it was that much effective.


Roan looked at the goblin leader that was collapsed in the floor and smiled.

Not a bad harvest for the first battle.

Looking at the big hole in his throat, he admired Pierce's talent more.

'For a stance that was created in the middle of resting to be this much.'

It was at that moment when he was admiring the difference in abilities.

The stance he barely executed after having his palms ripped, Pierce executed it without even shedding a drop of sweat.

'In this life I will certainly close that gap.'

Roan determined once again and after cutting off the neck of the goblin leader, he extended it up to the skies.

"Spearman Roan from the 13th squad! I cut off the neck of the goblin leader!"

A loud voice.

Even if he didn't do that, the soldiers that were looking at their fight raised their weapons and yelled.



The atmosphere of the battlefield changed in an instant.

The goblins that lost their leader, didn't know what to do.

The morale was so low it reached ground, and they just looked to run away.

In the other hand, the morale of the soldiers of rose troop was as high as the sky.

Slice! Chop!

Chwee! Grr!

At the attacks of the rose troop, the goblins fell without resisting.

After Roan tied the head of the goblin leader in his waist, he returned to the 13th squad.

"You bastard! How can you run away as you please!"

Tane yelled as if he was waiting for it.

However, there was a faint smile in his face.

And that was because he had witnessed the scene of Roan piercing the neck of the goblin leader.

Roan bent down.

"Looking at my allies falling down, I just charged in on my own. I'm sorry."

Tane wanted to say one more thing, but shook his head in the end.

"Be more careful next time."


Roan bent his head and fell to the back.

The battle was already ending.

The goblins couldn't even charge to where the 13th squad were.

Roan took out some bandages while looking at the battle.

"Want me to help you?"

A newcomer soldier just like him, that had white skin and big eyes asked with a preoccupied face.

Roan lent him the bandages as if he came just in time.


"Why, with this much."

The white skinned and big eyed soldier embraced the spear with his armpit and bandaged him.

He bandaged him so meticulously Roan thought that he would be able to hold the spear immediately.

'He is quite familiar...'

He was familiar.

A feeling he was forgetting of something important.

Roan tried to remember who was the man that was in front of him.

However, the newcomer soldiers that survived in his past life were only him and Pierce.

Because of that, he couldn't remember the other newcomers.

'But why is he so familiar?'

Roan that fell in his thoughts.

Then, the bandaging ended.

At that moment, his big fingers were caught in his eyes.


Roan let out a low exclamation.

"Huh? What happened? Is the bandage somewhat discomfortable?"

Asking because he was surprised.

'He's identical.'

Roan's eyes shook.

The silhouette of a person passed by dimly through his eyes.

'This guy was the oppa of that person.'

The face of a girl that filled his entire head.

Roan shook his head and just put on an awkward face.

He smiled brightly and lent out his hand.

"It's nothing. Thank you. Glenn."

The white skinned and big eyed soldier was called Glenn.

He remembered.

Who this guy was, and who his sister was.