Shui Shui Contracted An Incurable Disease

"Shui Shui contracted a terrible disease? How come no one informed me about this sooner? How is she? I hope she is alright?" Yang Zi worriedly questioned, not knowing that she misinterpreted Shiyi's words.

"Ha haha..... Zi Er, you are not seriously worried about her right?" Shiyi bursted into a deafening laughter when he heard Yang Zi's worried voice.

"Shiyi, how could you have the heart to laugh when our beloved Shui Shui is ill? Never-mind, what kind of disease was she diagnosed with? Is it an incurable disease," Yang Zi asked in panic.

"Yes, it is an incurable disease and this incurable disease is none other than the famous disease called lovesickness. Your Shui Shui is completely out of her mind at the moment," Shiyi said, still smiling.