Yang Zi First Surprise Gift To Zhou Yixian

She took a hot bath when she got to her room. While dressing up, there was an evil grin on her face as if she was just reminded of something. She came out of her dressing room glowing more than ever. There was something different about her when she came out, and that thing was the fact that she was genuinely happy. She could not stop smiling. She grabbed her sketchbook and started drawing something. Being out of work, she had a lot of free time for the thing she was passionate about. She could still recall the joy and satisfaction she felt the first day her mum taught her how to design a dress. She felt happy then. She had a lot of butterflies in her stomach. The feeling was like the one any lady feels the first time she falls in love. She once told Shui Shui and Shiyi that she did not need to fall in love since she was already in love with her designs.