Yifeng At His Worst Mood

"Miss Yang and boss. They are back," Jiu said to the awe of everyone as he raced towards approaching Yifeng who looked so tired and haggard. Others raced towards them too. They tried to assist him in carrying Yang Zi, but he signalled them not to. Everyone except Su Jin and Wen Min waited downstairs. They were so relieved that they were back safe and sound.

"Thank goodness, nothing happened to you and Miss Yang. I almost had a heart attack awaiting you guys arrival," Su Jin said, watching Yifeng wrapped the bedsheets around Yang Zi's body.

"What are you waiting for? Help me prepare a hot bath in her bathroom," Yifeng shouted angrily, startling Wen Min and Su Jin. Su Jin thought he was referring to him, so he made to do what he was ordered to do, but he got confused when Yifeng threw him a murderous glare.