You Are Leaving?

"Wow! So our little Mi Er knows how to call my name instead of the usual mum? I thought I was your mum so why change it to sister Zi Er when you need a favour from me?" Yang Zi teased, smiling. She was so accustomed to Yang Mi's mum title, she found it odd whenever she called her by her name.

"Your names are both, but I love calling you mum more," Yang Mi said naughtily. Yang Zi and Yang Mi kept on talking and playing. Yang Zi convinced her mum to get Yang Mi discharged. After they finished packing their belongings, Yang Zi went to Yifeng's room to inform him she was leaving.

"Boss, I just want to inform you that I and my family will be leaving now. Seeing that your injury is serious I bet you will have to spend at least a week here. Take care of yourself," Yang Zi said, turning to leave without even wanting to spend another moment there.