Sore All Over

After she and Li Chen came down, Yang Mi ran excitedly over to where Yifeng and Yang Zi were standing waiting for them.

"Mum, brother Feng, what are you waiting for? Let's all have fun to the fullest today," Yang Mi shouted delightedly, pulling them by the hand. She winked mischievously at Chen as she dragged them with her.

"Mum, let's all ride on this one, it looks fun," Yang Mi shouted, pointing at the roller coaster. After their roller coaster ride, Yang Mi dragged them all over the park. They entered almost all the rides in the park. They did not have any choice but to do whatever she wanted since it was her day.

"Mum, let's all eat ice cream and rest over there," Yang Mi suggested after hours of dragging everyone all over the park. Doing everything together, they looked like one happy family. To Yifeng it was a pity that what he wanted might not come true, but he was happy for today.