Yifeng Changes Strategy

"Boss, please can we chat some other time, I have many workloads on my plate since I was away from the office for over ten days now," Yang Zi explained before she went to her desk.

"Workload? You don't have any unattended work because Yuan Quan worked for the both of you while you were away so you don't have to worry," Yifeng said walking to her desk.

"Really? Thank you so much Yuan Quan," Yang Zi thanked Yuan Quan forgetting that Yifeng was the one who ordered Yuan Quan to help her perform her duties.

"Yang Zi, why are you thanking him? Am I not the one you should be thanking?" Yifeng asked, giving Yuan Quan a mean gaze for stealing his thunder.

"Why should I thank you when you are not the one who did the work?" Yang Zi asked, her gaze on his displeased face. She knew what he was driving at, but she was only trying to tease him.