A Perfect Valentine's Day Surprise Gift From....

"Ok, I understand your point. Tell me what happened," Yang Zi ordered, waiting for him to speak, but he didn't speak even after three minutes of silence.

"Chen, don't you trust me enough to tell me what is wrong? I am considered a friend, or am I wrong?" Yang Zi asked, sounding hurt.

"It's not like that...,"

"Then what is the problem?" Yang Zi interrupted him sharply.

"The matter is too delicate to discuss over the phone so I thought that maybe you could meet me outside to talk about it but it's fine with me if you cannot do me this favour," Li Chen replied miserably making Yang Zi feel terrible. Yang Zi kept silent for some minutes, pondering over what to do. It was 8:00pm, almost time for her to leave the office. After thinking for a while, she decided.