Confronting The Mafia Gang

"Don't you care about being gossiped about by your maids? You might think it is nothing since you haven't experienced it before but it is scary," Yang Zi said, trying to instil fear in Yifeng not knowing that she was talking to the wrong person about this.

"Instead of scary I will be thrilled because that is what I want," Yifeng said bending down. His face inched closer to hers. Yang Zi also bent to avoid his lips.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing?" Yang Zi said, staring at his flawless face. 

"Giving my employees what to talk about," Yifeng said, still bending to kiss her. Yang Zi could not avoid him again. She subconsciously closed her eyes, expecting his lips against hers, but his lips never came. Yifeng beamed, seeing her like this. He felt a sudden warmth within.