Because I like You Very Much

"You are my friend so I have feelings for you. I care about all my friends and that includes you," Yang Zi covered it up with more lies. Does she like Yifeng? Truth be told, she doesn't know what she feels towards him. She always felt a strange sensation in her heart whenever he came close to her, but she couldn't tell what it was. Yifeng kept quiet after he heard her reply. 

"You now consider me as a friend? That is good news, but are you sure you want me to be your friend?" Yifeng said, feeling disappointed. He had high hopes that Yang Zi liked him, but right now he didn't know what to believe anymore.

"Yes, I want you to be my friend. I already considered you as my good friend long ago, but I want to make it official today. That is if it's Ok with you," Yang Zi said, staring into Yifeng's dark eyes. She wished he wouldn't reject her offer. It took Yifeng three minutes before he spoke up.