Feeling Betrayed

"Yifeng, don't try to defend her this time around or I will get mad at you. Let me talk some sense into this stubborn daughter of mine," Mrs Yang said, turning to face Yang Zi.

"Did you expect him to reject your offer when you brought it up? Of course, he will agree because it will be his loss if he didn't agree. He likes you too much to reject you or can't you read it in his eyes?" Mrs Yang asked, getting slightly pissed off.

"When you threw that friendship offer at him, did you even consider his feelings? Do you know how much self-control he will need to muster up whenever he is around you? And do you also know how uncomfortable he will feel whenever you get close to him?" Mrs Yang curiously asked, staring at her eyes for an answer.

"No mum, I didn't give it much thought," Yang Zi replied firmly.