The Incident That Led To Yifeng's Engagement With Zhao Liying

When he got to her desk, he halted when he saw Yang Zi inside his office working. He waited for about two minutes to catch his breath. He resumed walking when he felt that his heartbeat had returned to normal.

Yang Zi heard when he opened the door to the office, but she pretended to be so immersed in the files and laptop in front of her.

"Hello beauty, miss hubby so soon?" Yifeng joked, approaching her. She still acted oblivious of his presence. Yifeng needed not to be a seer to know that she was furious with him. He sat down beside her.

"What is wrong?" Yifeng asked instantly feigning ignorance about the cause of her anger. He stretched his hand to touch her, but Yang Zi ignored his touch. She acted like a jealous wife who just caught her husband cheating on her.