Should We Go For Another Workout?

"I know you are just flattering me. You don't mean all you've said. I know that is how all men are. They all speak sweet words, but they don't mean any of them," Yang Zi replied. She knew she might sound unreasonable to others, but this is who she truly is. She prefers being stabbed five times with a knife rather than to go through heartbreak. She might just end up committing suicide if the man she loves betrayed her.

"What do I have to do to assure you that I love you and I mean every word and promises I make? Tell me what I have to do to gain your absolute trust and I will do it willingly," Yifeng said, caressing her hands with both hands. His eyes were pure and filled with sincerity. He loved her so much and he will do everything to prove his love for her.

"There is something you can do to gain my absolute trust..,"