Did You Just Admit That You Love Me?

"Haven't you finished eating?" Yifeng asked, bending down. He brought his mouth very closed to her neck.

"No, I am not. I still want to eat some more so I will have enough energy to play with you," Yang Zi said playfully, pretending to still be eating just to stall time.

"Eat for hubby, Ok, because I am gonna tease you till you beg me to stop," Yifeng replied, giving her soft kisses on her neck.

"Didn't you promise to wait for me to finish eating before we will do what you want? Don't blame me for not kissing you if you continue like this, Ok?" Yang Zi threatened playfully. Yifeng moved away from her when he heard her threats. He reluctantly went back to his seat. He sat down and waited for her patiently. 

"Oh gosh, finally," Yifeng exclaimed the moment Yang Zi dropped her cutlery on the table. 

"I just realised that I ate too much. I have to rest for a few minutes before I can grant your wishes," Yang Zi said, when Yifeng wanted to hug her.