Shiyi's Love Confession

"Yeah, we can be the kindest to those who are kind but also the evilest to those who are evil," Yang Zi interjected, smirking wickedly. She was happy with the decision she just made. 

"World's evilest villains? That title sure befits us. Hahaha...," Shiyi's laughter echoed in the room.

They kept on talking and playing for minutes before Shui Shui acted as though she recalled something.

"Zi Er, I am just curious why didn't Yifeng come with you? Both of you are practically inseparable, so I am eager to know why he let you come alone?" Shui Shui asked anxiously, her eyes glittering in anticipation. 

"He couldn't because he had a prior appointment with a client. He said he would pick me up after the meeting is over. I am sure he is on his way already," Yang Zi said, checking her wristwatch.

"Hmmm, he is such a gentleman. I see why you like him so much. He practically spoils you every day," Shui Shui said naughtily.